Mitsubishi MELCLOUD integration with Home Assistant

Hm… .that’s interesting… it seems that development goes in the opposite way of logical one… a man would expect that big companies will support integration into smarthome systems to increase sell, but quite opposite is happening: life 360 has ended in february, then Facebox…, now MelCloud doesn’t work…
where are we going?

Thanks for the information, for several days HA has not given me any data on the integrated machines and I see that they have just “limited” access to third parties.

IMHO many companies started offering cloud integrations for free to be more appealing towards customers. Sooner or later, they discovered that the one-shot cost did not pay, as these systems do have a cost for companies, and companies found these not being sustinable in the long term. Moreover, they always look for a profit, better if recurrent.
See the rumors about Alexa, with amazon willing to introduce a subscription/pay-per-use model for advanced features.
Basically, we are going towards a future with companies offering these services with a subscription model, unfortunately for us customers.

I just had a long talk with local Mitsubishi representative (they called me, because I sent them an email few days ago). A short summary:

  • he had no idea about the polling limitation and outages
  • the communication within Mitsubishi El. is bad
  • they are discussing opening a local API
  • they’re developing new version of MELCloud app, which will be released soon
  • general strategy is that they will not limit 3rd party integrations
  • he will forward my request for detailed allowed polling info and clearer and more transparent communication with customers to higher instances in Japan.

Don’t rely on this, not sure how much of this is actually true.

My suggestion:
Send them emails, wake them up (Contact form for EMEA: Contact Us on the EMEA web site | Contact | MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC EMEA)


Thanks Trozman for the link, I just took 10mn to write an email and:

  • share the frustration of the community with the recent changes and the rate limiting
  • share the fact that since the issue, a lot of people have lost trust in relying on the cloud solution and that they are going to build / use esp32 board to gain local control
  • beg them to ofer a way to locally control the device using the wifi without having to use an esp32

I hope a lot more people take the time to send similar emails so that hopefully they listen and make good changes!


On a different note, I just found out this:

Original source here (select country “Ireland” or it doesn’t show up…)

I’m going to try that out.

But the date is 2022 !!!

:man_facepalming: I was so focused on the text I forgot to check the date… My bad sorry. And like a dumbass I therefore tried it and wondered why it didn’t work :smile:

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Would anyone happen to know if it’d be possible to build something like GitHub - rospogrigio/localtuya: local handling for Tuya devices but to communicate locally with our Mitsubishi device using Wifi? I’ve been successfully using localtuya, it’s awesome. I wonder how hard that’d be to replicate for this use case. Prob not easy but does anyone have an idea?

I’m guessing it may be “unpossible” as apparently the wifi device checks for Mitsubishi certificates… So if we try to man in the middle we’ll just get an error with the certificates I guess…

I had the same issue after upgrading today. I disabled the integration, waited until I could log in from my App again, then enabled the Integration and it worked normally.

Well, all i can say is that i wish i swapped to local (esphome) earlier. Having external temperature sensor is light years better when we’re talking about heating with climate (can’t say about cooling yet…). Temperature is as I set it on my climate and it’s way more stable than with original (built-in) one.

So, hopefully → goodbye melcloud…

Hello David,
sorry for the late response, I am not an active user of thid forum.
I am making a website (in Dutch) to explain how I use the melcloud integration.
It can be found:

You can use Google Translate (right mouse) it should work and explain itself.
PS: My file is not made to be used as a package, I am not familiar with packaging.
I just found out the code to get it working and hope that the Melcloud integration on HACS could take advantage of that to integrate the extra sensors of a ASHP.

The integrations is like this:
In Configuration. yaml
sensor: !include melcloud.yaml
Your melcloud.yaml has to be changed for login/password/device ID and building ID.
Hope this helps.

Hello Vilppuvuorinen,
I’m not familiar with coding in a way that allowed me to understand your GitHub post completely.

From what I gather, you’ve created a method to combine information into a single sensor with multiple attributes, similar to my “heat_pump_API” sensor.

You suggest that this sensor could later be split into individual sensors using the attributes and templating (like your “melcloud.yaml” file), but you prefer not to take that approach.

This approach could potentially provide a Melcloud integration for key variables and an additional interface through templating for more specific sensors like frequency, daily usage, and additional zone temperatures.

Is my understanding of your method correct?
Thank you for all the work you’ve done so far; it’s beyond my current expertise!

Hello Walter,

Your link is not working?

Sorry, should work now


Apologies if this has been mentioned somewhere but could not see it.

I recently got an ASHP and consequently added the ‘melcloud’ integration in to home assistant. Looks good so far apart from getting blocked has HA is sending too many api calls.

How do I change the default polling time that HA or rather the itegration uses? I could not find the corresponding yaml files in HA but I am a newbie.

On one post I saw that the default may be 5 mins and changing it to 6 mins resolves the issue but I feel it most e polling more that once every 5 mins to get blocked by melcloud? Not sure.


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Having wrestled with Melcloud API based control in various different forms over the last year, which worked pretty well for a while, I finally gave up when they started throttling all the API based traffic recently, and built a local MQTT based control unit, based on:

I wish I had made the jump earlier - it’s like going from a clumsy 1960s Lada to a 2024 BMW.

Massive thanks to Richard Broker for creating this amazing project. Shame that one man can create such a polished interface that works beautifully, whereas an enormous multinational corporation fails miserably to provide any sort of decent control.

I thought I’d post my experience in case it helps someone else. If you’re happy to do some soldering and a bit of wiring it’s a relatively straight forward project. I used the schematic posted by Dan_Nichols in the above link with an ESP32 WROOM-32 board. On my board the 5v in pin is labelled VIN. Flashed it using Arduino IDE (chose ESP32 Dev Module as board type, although I think it worked with ESP32-WROOM-DA-Module too). After a few hiccups due to libraries, dependencies and Python packages it installed fine. Once rebooted it broadcast the WiFi network as outlined in Richard Broker’s Github repository, and followed the config instructions. I first mocked it all up using a 5v power supply from a butchered USB cable, to avoid constantly plugging/unplugging the CN105 plug and damaging it. Once connected to the heat pump I had to switch the PIN numbers to get Rx and Tx the right way round. The WiFi range seems fairly reasonable for the board I chose, despite not having an external antenna. It’s been pretty stable for the last few days. The web browser based config is excellent. All the MQTT sensors are populated automatically in HA from the Python package and that part was seamless. It exposes more sensors/controls than I ever managed using the Melcloud API and works beautifully.

All in all very happy, and massive thanks again to Richard Broker


I know I’m probably being thick but where on earth is this file? I can’t find rhe MELCloud files anywhere

This change got merged into the latest home assistant, version 2024.3.1 I think, so if you upgrade you shouldn’t have to do anything else. But where the files are depends on your installation. For me it’s in /home/homeassistant/data/homeassistant/custom_components/melcloud but you might find it in /usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/melcloud (but note that changes you make in supervised/container installations will be overwritten.

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I have an air to air heatpump. Is there any way I can get or calculate the CoP value?