Mitsubishi Wifi Module WF-RAC (Smart M-Air)


first of all thank you for making this possible!

Does anyone know, or has tested, if the integration with the new “WF” (already integrated wifi) devices also works?

What is this the new WF? Any more details?

It looks like Mitsubishi Heavy started shipping their wall mounted units SRK xxZS(X)-W(F) with integrated wifi, ading the “F” at the end of the model: 三菱重工サーマルシステムズ株式会社|製品カタログ拡大表示 (

or here for the full catalogue 2023:

I got an offer to get the installed “WF” (wifi integrated units)…


I have 2 new Mitsubishi Heavy WF units installed at home. I’m looking to add these units to my HA setup and found this thread.

I have the SRK50ZS-WF and the SRK25ZS-WF, both having integrated wifi. They both are connected in the Smart M-Air app, so my thinking is that they would work similar to the units with the separate wifi adapter.

If anybody wants more information or want me to test something, I’m more than willing to help out.

After reading through the workings, I’ve decided to just go for it and it works!

I see three sensors (energy usage cycle, indoor temp, outdoor temp) and seem to be able to control it.


That is awesome and great news @steffex!
Thanks for confirming this

Hi all, I’m just starting on HA to control my whole house with one single app :slight_smile:
Thank to you guys I’ve discovered my A/C (5 units in total) can be controlled from this custom integration.

Since I’ve successfully added the integration I’ve then setup the “custom:simple-thermostat” to control my units. And thanks to this thread I’ve made the following:

So… great, I can now control my units one by one… My idea / my target from now is to try to do the following (if anyone can share his opinion / help):

  • Easily generate a schedule for units since the M-Air app is just a mess: I’d like to:
    • Be able to indicate who’s in who’s not (since I don’t want to use the units in unoccupied rooms, an “Absence” can even be set then.
    • Be able to set a schedule: unit setup for complete week (work / week-end), hours setting, and for multiple units (since same schedule can apply on multiple units).
    • Be able to switch quickly all units from Heat, Cool, Dry, Fan modes.

Quite a lot of work and I’m not sure having the skills to manage all of that (if nothing exists already).

I also have in mind some automations that can be considered… Like if room temp. is greatee tha XX then switch on AC at a certain temp. But this should be easier to do with HA automations :slight_smile:

[EDIT] I forgot to ask something. I’m wondering how the horizontal swing can be set up. Having a look into the services.yaml of the integration I’ve discovered there is service ID called “set_horizontal_swing_mode” that might do what I’m looking for… But I don’t know how to manage it, ay idea ?


Very nice. Would you mind sharing the code?

I found the default thermostat card has kind of lag on updating status, after I made a change. How’s this card?

Thanks for sharing :pray:

I was able to get the integration working via HACS and using this thread for the links.

There is one thing that needs to be added: after downloading HACS, you need to restart your HA system. Than clean cache in browser and that will show the HACS integration in HA.

Is the issue resolved which required HASS to be rebooted often? If so do I need to upgrade and how?

The integration icon is broken:

Icon path:

Can this be fixed? :smiley:

Anyone got a solution to convert the energy cycle to an energy level sensor?

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I just wanted to make every one aware, it would appear that there is an issue with these WF-RAC modules whereby they are performing an ARP spoofing attack on my network.

This was confirmed just now with support from my router manufacturer, TP-Link. 10.1 is my router and the A0:43 mac addresses are the WF-RAC adapters.

arp: moved from 9c:a2:f4:57:6d:5e to a0:43:b0:5a:cb:82 on igb0
arp: moved from 9c:a2:f4:57:6d:5e to a0:43:b0:5a:cc:48 on igb0
arp: moved from 9c:a2:f4:57:6d:5e to a0:43:b0:5a:d7:85 on igb0

This is happening every hour for about 10 seconds for each WF-RAC unit.

Please check your networks for any suspicious activity.

Hi Dazmatic,

I do not have these messages (yet). Would be strange if this wifi module is changing mac-address (like an iphone). And maybe i am wrong, but should not be the ip-adres of the WF-RAC in the error./log instead the router ip? no it looks like the router changed mac-address, or am i wrong?

trying to understand.

what kind of TP-router you have?

The module isn’t changing MAC addresses - it’s changing IP addresses, the record above is basically showing that the gateway address has moved to a different device on the network i.e. the wifi module is now the gateway and is telling all other devices on the network that it is the gateway and to forward all packets to it.

It’s incredibly shady. I’ve contacted MHI UK for support and they’re speaking with the manufacturer.

It’s a TP-Link ER605. Unfortunately it doesn’t come with ARP Protection enabled out of the box. It’s now been enabled as well as GARP (to prevent changes) and you can see the WiFi modules doing it every hour.

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Hi there, recently I had an AC installed and integrated it successfully in HA.
I used the better_thermostat card to display/control settings and that works.

However I was missing some settings …

When you click on the 3 dots top right, you can see:


  • Operation (Off, Auto, Cool, Heat, Fan, Dry) → this is displayed and controllable with the icons.
  • Fan mode (Auto, 1 Lowest, 2 Low, 3 High, 4 Highest)
  • Swing mode (Up/Down Auto, Highest, Middle, Normal, Lowest, 3D Auto)

Fan mode and Swing mode are not available as entities or sensors???
Or am I missing something?

horizontal swing direction is available and controllable?
Why can’t I see and control the other 2?
What am I missing?


I got this error message? Any suggestions what this is about and how to resolve it?

I googled for a solution and found:

There is some info about unloading, but no idea what this is all about.
Any help appreciated.

@dazmatic did you hear anything from MHI concerning this?

I see (in my Unifi network) that my WF-RAC module is disconnecting/connecting exactly every hour.
That is too much of a coincidence after reading your story.

I’m still speaking to them. They’re refusing to help and acknowledge the issue.

As it seems one can’t select ECO or SILENT, what will happen when this is selected by the remote. Will the Integration overwrite a selected ECO or SILENT option with the remote, when the HA integration starts a new heating operation or will the Settings of the remote be saved?

How are you all controlling your aircons ?

I would love to use a Aqara temperature sensor to trigger the ac to heat, cool or dry.

The temperature sensor in the ac is not very accurate. A standalone sensor would be perfect to trigger the smart ac.