I also have 3 of these units. Still trying to find out how to interpret the response I get from those modules.
You can request data from those units by sending a request via port 51443.
Send json: ‘{“apiVer”:“1.0”,“command”:“getAirconStat”,“deviceId”:“1234567890ABCDEF”,“operatorId”:“d2bc4571-1cea-4858-b0f2-34c18bef1901”,“timestamp”:1649703587}’
DeviceID en operatorID can be generated randomly.
You’ll get something back like this:
{ “airconId”: “REMOVED”, “airconStat”: “AACyiKT/AAAAAAASCgAAAAAAAf////8sv4AEEAAkigAAiAAAAgAAAAAAAAOAIIr/gBCN/5QQAQBufw==”, “logStat”: 0, “updatedBy”: “local”, “expires”: 1649704590, “ledStat”: 1, “autoHeating”: 0, “highTemp”: “AB”, “lowTemp”: “66”, “firmType”: “WF-RAC”, “wireless”: { “firmVer”: “010” }, “mcu”: { “firmVer”: “123” }, “timezone”: “Europe/Amsterdam”, “remoteList”: [ “”, “”, “”, “” ], “numOfAccount”: 1 }
But airconStat is encoded. I tried to decompile the apk, but I cannot seem to find the translation.
App is finding the units by sending a multicast _beaver._tcp.
And the APK does have a mapper class, but I cannot read it correctly: ResponseAirconMApper.class and ResponseArconStartMapper.class contain mappings