Mix UI lovelace minimalist templates with other lovelace cards

I’m not that familiar with the UI lovelace minimalist project and I’m just watching a few videos and collect some experience :).

Is there a possibility to use these templates also in the “normal” lovelace?
e.g. this one?

Or does the whole UI have to be changed?

Into the ui-lovelace.yaml it work perfectly

        - type: "custom:button-card"
            template: card_person_info
              ulm_card_person_entity: person.melle
              ulm_card_person_use_entity_picture: true
              ulm_card_person_zone1: zone.home
              ulm_multiline: true
              ulm_card_person_battery_entity: sensor.mobile_battery_level

When I use the same snippet in another/“normal” dashboard.
Error is: Button-card template ‘card_person’ is missing!

So I think the template is not resolved and found. So the question is, can both approaches be combined?

you need to include the templates into your dashboard

However, if you want to use your own, possibly already existing, dashboard file, you must make the necessary bindings of the templates in it yourself. This can be done for example by specifying the following:

# Button cards location
button_card_templates: !include_dir_merge_named "custom_components/ui_lovelace_minimalist/__ui_minimalist__/ulm_templates/"
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Yes that did I tried. But can you tell me on which file i have to do that.

My step was:
Go to the raw dashboard configuration. And add this line:

YAML kann nicht geparsed werden: YAMLException: unknown tag !<!include_dir_merge_named> (1:124) 1 | ... ui_minimalist__/ulm_templates/" -----------------------------------------^ 2 | ... 3 | ...

If I may suggest another way for you to go. :wink: It seems, that you’re not that familiar with the “technical details”, that run in the background for Minimalist. That’s not a problem, and you don’t need to know that, but I’d suggest you use something different. Minimalist is great, but it needs some technical background on user side to work good. And it is a rather “big” extension, if you just use it for one card.
Don’t misunderstand me, I don’t think you shouldn’t do it, but the learning curve will be steep. :slight_smile:

That being said, you should try “mushroom cards”, as they are easier to install and work nice for users, that don’t want to dive that deep into technical details. Minimalist can be customized in practically every way, where Mushroom gives you an easier to work with UI experience. :slight_smile:

So my advice would be: uninstall Minimalist and install Mushroom via HACS.

And here you can find it:

that’s a good advice
I did the same

Currently i’am not sure what is the right way. Mushroom Cards are working in my dashboard and use it a lot, but how you say sometimes I would like to customize it, but not possible :wink: .

So i just play around with Minimalist and if I use it with the yaml works great.
I just try if i can mix it up. But of course warning in the doc make no sense, to copy every folder etc.
But I don’t understand the section:

# Button cards location
button_card_templates: !include_dir_merge_named "custom_components/ui_lovelace_minimalist/__ui_minimalist__/ulm_templates/"

where i have to put it.

are you using the UI editor for your dashboards?
if yes, I guess you cannot do it. it is only possible in the yaml files

IMHO i don’t need the UI. I can do it in yaml, because I also would like to reuse some yaml UIs.

But where can I find my dashboard on VS? I just know this raw config editor for the ui yaml

you will not find it, as it is saved under the .storage folder
create a new dashboard in yaml mode and copy it from the raw config

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Ah ok I will try that

I hear what you’re saying, but I don’t agree with it, sorry. :rofl: I can tell you, the setup and the use of Minimalist is something different, and as I said, I’d strongly suggest to use Mushroom in your case. I have a relatively good knowledge for Minimalist, as I worked on that project for quite a time. :wink:

In Mushroom you have as well the possibility to customize things, but not to that extend like in Minimalist. But for a “simple” person card and all the things one needs, Mushroom is the far better experience.

Let me say it this way: Mushroom is the better choice for eight out of ten people (I can’t believe I’m saying this, still having a little **** against Mushroom myself). The available customizations in Mushroom are very good, only the real edge cases are better handled easier to configure in Minimalist. Trust me, I know from own experience, as I now use Mushroom and not Minimalist any more… :slight_smile:

I’m in the same situation as @MelleD. For 95% of my needs, Mushroom is perfect; it offers simplicity, lights, scenes, chips, grids, basic layouts, and more. However, there are a few things I would love to have but either I don’t know how to achieve them using Mushroom or other stock/custom components, or they are not achievable.

For instance, I’d like to have overviews of my washing machine and dryer, but to do this, I need to neatly combine a switch and multiple sensors into one card. I have some technical knowledge, but I’m not a coder. Mushroom is great for me, but Minimalist is overwhelming. A middle-ground approach would be ideal for my use case: building the dashboard one component at a time. Working in full YAML mode is a bit too challenging for me. :smiling_face_with_tear:

can anyone please point me to where the yaml files are for the views/dashboards that I have already created? I want to do the same as the OP; i.e include the ui-minimalist templates in another non-ui-minimalist template, but if I open the yaml in the UI editor and paste the below at the top of the file, I get an error.

button_card_templates: !include_dir_merge_named "custom_components/ui_lovelace_minimalist/__ui_minimalist__/ulm_templates/"

Do I put this in the configuration.yaml? if so where?

I have tried digging around in the files for HA. i.e looking for views.yaml file or something like that in the same area as the configuration.yaml but I can’t find anything. Do I past this in the configuration.yaml file?
Where is this supposed to go? If I shouldn’t be using the UI editor to do this, please point me in the right direction? Do I need to change from UI editor mode to yaml mode? and if so, how do I do this?