[monitor] Reliable, Multi-User, Distributed Bluetooth Occupancy/Presence Detection

As I don’t fully understand *nix and how monitor works, is it supposed to have several active services like this? Wondering if this is per design, or if this is because I was doing a lot of trial and error in the beginning.

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Is it normal for advertisements that have failed the filter to expire and trigger the departure scan? Also I have sometimes seen advertisements that have passed the filter but never seem to expire.

[-] 0.2.197 24-05-2019 10:58:51 am [CMD-RAND]   [failed filter] data:  [REDACTED]:C5 pdu: ADV_NONCONN_IND rssi: -80 dBm flags: none man: unknown delay: 0
[-] 0.2.197 24-05-2019 11:02:10 am [DEL-RAND]   RAND  [REDACTED]:C5 expired after 199 seconds
[-] 0.2.197 24-05-2019 11:02:11 am [CMD-INFO]   **** started departure scan [x4 max rep] ****
[-] 0.2.197 24-05-2019 11:02:11 am [CMD-SCAN]   (No. 1)  [REDACTED]:26 departure?
[-] 0.2.197 24-05-2019 11:02:11 am [CMD-INFO]   **** completed departure scan ****
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Thanks for your continuous work on this.

Been running an old version 1.7.2 or so, and just updated to the latest. It seems in this new version, you removed “heartbeat” which I was using.

Please can you confirm it’s been removed? And forgive if something had already been written abt this earlier.

Kind regards

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Github shows it was removed in November 2018.

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Wow that long.

Thanks for pointing that out.

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Please can you show me the link to where it was removed?

As I will like to know why it was. It was a nice feature which enabled me to know when one of my monitor systems was down, and my system automatically cleaned out all sensors from that location; if I had sensors from there, it goes wrong.

Also can you advise on how to achieve something similar with the new one, or if some other feature was added that replaced it?

Lastly I know I came across somewhere were it was advised how to setup a Pi Zero, so it works more reliably due to clashes between WiFi and BLH, can’t figure where it was now.

Also it seems start and end scan topics have been removed also?

Kind regards

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Go to the github page (link in post 1). Search for heartbeat. There is one commit.

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Thanks @nickrout.


It is stated that heartbeat was removed for testing purposes, doe it mean it will be coming back?


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The echo command is intended as its replacement.

Some, but nearly all vehicles will power down Bluetooth radios once accessory power is off. This increases the difficulty of detecting arrival and departure. Some users with constant power USB in their vehicle had installed a USB beacon.

A number of beacon devices report battery in unique ways. To avoid a requirement of support for many different reporting types and techniques, I have opted to ignore battery data and other data sent by Bluetooth beacon devices.

That said, the battery data you are looking for is likely encoded as binary or hex data in the hex field of the Json package.

I am unfamiliar of the requirements for octoprint, but WiFi/bluetooth interference issues seem to be more prevalent on the raspberry pi zero W and than on other platforms. I would probably use something other than a zero.

For Bluetooth dongles, you may also have a firmware issue. Per the FAQ, a number of Bluetooth dongles do not respect the duplicates flag. This means that data output from the dongle floods the monitor buffer and causes cycling.

Are you using a Bluetooth dongle? Are you in a particularly crowded area with a number of Bluetooth devices around you?

You are seeing the various threads that monitor uses to optimize performance. This is a normal process set.

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Whether an advertisement passes or fails a filter completely depends on the filters you have set. What filters have you set?

Ok thanks boss.

So How do I access the echo or is it still in development?

Kind regards

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Post an Mqtt message to …/echo and a monitor instance will respond.

thanks boss

How abt the start and stop scanning feedback messages. Was that removed also?

Still there. Set PREF_MQTT_REPORT_SCAN_MESSAGES to true in prefs