Monitor your Generac generator with Home Assistant

Is there a way from Home Assistant that I can turn on the generator remotely?

Anyone ever tried to hook the smartgen controllers? I have a Champion 12kW gasoline generator with manual start. I want to hook a smartgen controller to be able to make it auto-start. There is a LINK port on the smatgen controller, so I wondered if anyone tried to use it in genmon?

Could we just use GenMon’s “rest” status to get the data into HA?

Eg if I use this web address:

I get back

{"Status": [{"Engine": [{"Switch State": "Auto"}, {"Engine State": "Off - Ready"}, {"Battery Voltage": "13.70 V"}, {"RPM": "0 "}, {"Frequency": "0.00 Hz"}, {"Output Voltage": "0 V"}, {"Output Current": "0.00 A"}, {"Output Power (Single Phase)": "0.00 kW"}, {"Active Rotor Poles (Calculated)": "0 "}]}, {"Line": [{"Utility Voltage": "242 V"}, {"Utility Max Voltage": "250 V"}, {"Utility Min Voltage": "216 V"}, {"Utility Threshold Voltage": "132 V"}]}, {"Last Log Entries": {"Logs": {"Alarm Log": "10/08/23 12:39:18 Charger Missing AC : Alarm Code: 0000", "Service Log": "11/07/23 10:39:46 Schedule A Serviced ", "Run Log": "18/01/24 14:50:13 Stopped - Auto "}}}, {"Time": [{"Monitor Time": "Sunday January 28, 2024 07:32:56"}, {"Generator Time": "Sunday January 28, 2024 07:32"}]}]}

I’m not sure of the correct synax in configuration.yaml however, but something like?

- platform: rest
  - authentication: basic
    username: "XXXX"
    password: "XXXX"
    scan_interval: 60
    resource: http://192.168.XXX.XXX/cmd/status_json
      - name: "Engine"
        json_attributes_path: "$.response.system"
        value_template: "OK"
          - "Switch State"
          - "Engine State"

I originally did something like this; however, went after it a slightly different way with the rest sensor. See Need help storing URL for use in generic IP camera (over 255 chars) - #2 by lmamakos for a reference to that. That’s been more than a couple years ago; perhaps the rest sensor thing has changed somewhat since then to allow multiple sensors to be evaluated for each JSON response? I don’t know if that was a thing at the time, or I just missed it.

Yeah, Someone more knowledgable than me on YAML would need to advise on the syntax and what is possible.

I do see in my configuration.yaml file that I have multiple rest sensors being used for my solar system (enphase).