Monoprice Whole Home Audio controller 10761 success

Update. I tried another USB/Serial converter with the same results. The port is now USB1. So the PI is definately communicating with it. Just not sure why it won’t install? I have a whole build around using this AMP with Hass so any help would be very appreciated.

Update#2- I got it!! I was using a Null cable from the adapter to the AMP. I connected the adapter directly to the AMP and that was it! Due to space limitations behind the amp, the serial adapter sticks out to far. I ended up making a straight thru serial cable that had smaller connectors. All working now!

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Glad to hear it. I’m guessing @ericthered926 is doing something similar.

So what would the fix entail? Would I need a different cable or come up with my own solution? I just don’t have a lot of wiring know-how. This is the cable I currently have

@dginney could you tell me a little more about your setup? My cable and adapter are the same thing, how are you connecting the amp to the pi?

I’m connecting directly with a USB to serial convertor from the Pi. No extension cables as was my initial problem. Working great now. Use a straight through serial cable if you do need a longer connection.

@adamderuwe Would you mind sharing your code for combining all the volume sliders in the same pane like that?

I deleted it. I’m sorry. Another reason I should be using version control…

I’m getting the same errors as above, when I run the dmesg command I get the following

[ 0.000000] Kernel command line: 8250.nr_uarts=0 bcm2708_fb.fbwidth=1440 bcm2708_fb.fbheight=900 bcm2708_fb.fbswap=1 vc_mem.mem_base=0x3dc00000 vc_mem.mem_size=0x3f000000 dwc_otg.lpm_enable=0 console=tty1 root=PARTUUID=5d4c6860-02 rootfstype=ext4 elevator=deadline rootwait quiet splash plymouth.ignore-serial-consoles
[ 0.000346] console [tty1] enabled
[ 0.795283] 3f201000.serial: ttyAMA0 at MMIO 0x3f201000 (irq = 87, base_baud = 0) is a PL011 rev2
[ 19.730060] cdc_acm 1-1.5:1.0: ttyACM0: USB ACM device
[ 19.743260] usb 1-1.2: FTDI USB Serial Device converter now attached to ttyUSB0

I am using a RS232 to USB converter with the FTDI chipset. Any ideas as to how I can solve the errors and get this component working?

Edit#1: A few reboots and it seemed to finally take hold

Any progress on the PA service call functionality? I am building a house. I’d like to use home assistant and the monoprice amp for alarms and alerts. Thought the PA input would be a great way to distribute those throughout the house. I could always just use a relay to manually put in PA mode.

Hi @etsinko, just wondering if you ever had a chance to implement the PA functionality as you described? I’d love to take advantage of it.

Hi @vwieczorek,
I haven’t yet. I’ll get to it once I’m back to my computer early in July. Shouldn’t take long at all.

Very cool, thank you

I’m getting stuck setting up this component. Hoping this group could help!

My amp and home assistant box are not located close to each other. So I bought a pi zero w, configured it with ser2net, and made a proxy of the port with socat on my hass server.

I can successfully run other monoprice python scripts that query the device. Those work fine.

In home assistant I’m getting an error saying cannot connect to monoprice controller. This is in a docker container.

original thinking was permissions but i give access to other devices in docker no problem (zwave usb dongle)

Now im wondering if the python code would behave differently on a proxy port vs. a physical one.

Any thoughts or things to try would helpfup. I have not tried to simply “cat /device” from within the docker. That will be my next step…


Hi Etsinko, just checking in again on the monoprice PA functionality since it’s been a few months. I’d love to be able to take advantage of it if you have it working.

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Would love to know about the status of the PA feature also.

Thinking about buying this AMP and would love to see how some of you have it set up in Lovelace. I like the way the mini-media-player card has speaker select for Sonos and would love to do that with this amp



Also this AMP is currently 17% off on Monoprice until 1/6/19 which made my decision even easier!

hey @dginney I’m thinking about getting the Monoprice amp and I’m also running HA on a Rpi3 ( install), just wanted to ask how difficult it was to get everything setup / see how you’re enjoying it. Thanks!

Hello @garrettshannon. I have had zero issues with Monoprice 6 channel amp. It is also branded by Dayton on Partsexpress for another reference. My only initial problem was in the beginning, I was using the wrong serial cable. Was easy to setup and would recommend it. Been in use over a year and used everyday.

Awesome. You don’t happen to remember which cable you got did you? I know you had some trouble which ended up being an extension cable you were using with your adapter right? I saw someone reference getting a sable with an FTDI chipset which led me here FTDI Usb to Serial but a google search for Usb to Serial RS232 gave a wide range of amazon options such as this: Amazon USB to RS232

Don’t know enough about chipsets to know what is or isn’t compatible but a 3’ cable seems a little more convenient than a 4" cable. Thanks.