Monoprice Whole Home Audio controller 10761 success

So I’m very new to HA and just setup my Monoprice WHA and it works well for the most part. The WHA is really only on during weekends and we have it on a smart plug switch that turns it on and off as we need via some Google Assistant routines.

Problem is if the Home Assistant is started up when the Monoprice WHA system is off, the Monoprice media_player doesn’t show up in the list of available entities and doesn’t seem to show up again until HA is restarted. Is there a service I can call through an automation that can force HA to update the entity list after the WHA system gets turned on? Or is there some other approach I should use? I tried homeassistant.update_entity triggered when my smart plug comes on but that didn’t seem to work.

Just stop turning off the monoprice.

I totally agree with @chanrwm

The monoprice takes 15w on standby and I leave this thing turned off and turn it on when needed.

My automations require me to restart HA which is bad for the WAF!

A option to restart the component would be good.
A option to connect RS232 via IP would be better. (Like the NESS component)

Feel free

@DotNetDann IMHO, Home Assistant core should add a feature to configure virtual serial ports using SOcket CAT (socat). Then any serial custom component automatically gets remote RS232 support (and multiple different protocols could be supported). Custom components should not all be implementing this separately.

I was going to look into creating a Add-On to do this, but have never had time.

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@OnFreund, thanks for all the great contributions to the monoprice integration!

Question: when updating the monoprice integration to switch to async operation, did you run into a situation where the HA frontend no longer loads, but the HA event loop is clearly operating fine as all events/updates/etc are being processed by looking at the log?

I’ve been working on an integration for the Xantech 8-zone amps that the Monoprice was designed from, and I can’t figure out why the Home Assistant front end stops work. Any guidance or help would be greatly appreciated! I even switched it back to synchronous, and still the same unresponsive Lovelace interface.

I recently purchased a rasberry pi 4 and installed home assistant on it. I’ve connected it to my monoprice WHA with a serial/usb. I tried running the setup wizard setting the port to /dev/ttyUSB0 but I just get the error, “Failed to connect, please try again.” How can I find out what is going wrong?

On home assistant, I installed the official ssh terminal app and if I run dmesg I see:
usb 1-1.2: pl2303 converter now attached to ttyUSB0
from when I last plugged it in. I tried unplugging/plugging it back in again and get:
pl2303 ttyUSB0: pl2303 converter now disconnected from ttyUSB0
usb 1-1.2: pl2303 converter now attached to ttyUSB0

So I believe the monoprice is on /dev/ttyUSB0. When using the Connect to Device dialog for port I’ve tried:

Am I supposed to have done all the node stuff described at the top of this thread before trying this? Or is there more steps I can use to debug what is going wrong with the connection? Thank you for any help.

I don’t see any reference to a setup wizard in post 1, in fact your post is the only reference to the word wizard in the thread.

I just set this up. If you SSH into HA and run “ha hardware info” it should return the serial port.

- /dev/serial/by-id/usb-FTDI_USB_Serial_Converter_FTEFGFTX-if00-port0
- /dev/ttyUSB0
- /dev/ttyAMA0

I used /dev/serial/by-id/usb-FTDI_USB_Serial_Converter_FTEFGFTX-if00-port0

Another pitfall is you need to use FTDI serial cable (assuming you’re using USB). And they can be a little finicky

Has anyone experienced it where Zone 6 doesn’t produce sound? This is my second amp, same thing both times. No sound on Zone 6. I’ve tried the Zone 6 Speakers on other zones and it works fine, so I don’t think I shorted Zone 6 and/or the speaker/wire is the problem

I am able to connect over /dev/ttyS0
The integration identified all the zones BUT they are showing as unknown status and I cannot control them please advise. Thank you

I had started putting together a post to describe the success I had using the socat command you posted here along with other details of my Monoprice home audio setup.

Then, before I had completed the write-up, I made the mistake of updating my HassOS to the latest version core-2021.2.3. That seems to have broken my setup.

The problem I’m now encountering is that while I had previously used the command

> socat pty,link=/dev/ttyV0,waitslave tcp:,keepalive,keepidle=10,keepintvl=10

now when I attempt to run this command I get the following response…

2021/03/07 18:23:01 socat[838] E unlink("/dev/ttyV0"): Read-only file system

and the virtual port does not get created.

I had this working smooth and solid for a couple of months and the only factor that I can think of contributing to breaking this is the most recent upgrade. Has something changed to lock down the creation of virtual ports?

Any and all suggestions welcome.

New to HA. I got HA setup on a RaspberryPi4 and am able to connect to my two Monoprice amps over IP (I’m using the Global Cache iFlex RS232 to Ethernet connector). Now I’m not sure how to set this up. On my generic dashboard, I can see a card for each of the zones and I can turn on/off each zone so I know the setup is functional. What I’d like to do is setup a single card which lets me control volume for each zone, easily switch sources, and play music on my sources. Right now my source 6 is an Echo Link connected via an optical connector. The Monoprice setup has been working in my house for several months and up until now, I have been using Alexa Routines to play my Apple Music playlists on the Echo Link at a set time. I don’t have the wall controls installed in any room (didn’t have the foresight to install CAT5 at the wall switch locations). I’ve been using a 3rd party iOS app to control volume and that’s been fine, but now I want to be able to setup automations (which are new to me) and a sick UI to control the WHA from a fire tablet or something like that. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Disclaimer: It’s Day1 of HA for me so I have no idea what I’m doing. I haven’t yet run into any issues with HA. But I have no idea how to really set stuff up to get it to look and function to my liking. Reading documentation, but figure asking for help is a good idea.

Please check he updated doco

I have found that you do NOT need socat and that you can specify the port of your IP/RS232 device directly.

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Thanks, that worked!

I did have to remove my existing Monoprice Integration instance, restart and reinstall but everything came back perfectly.

I guess it pays to go back and re-read the documentation for updates.

So I’ve not had any luck with Automations and wanted to ask for some help. My scenario is that I have speakers inside and outdoors as well. I only use the outdoor speakers once in a while. I want to kick-off an Automation at Sunrise that will power off my outdoor speaker zones. This way, they’re not on the next day when my house audio Alexa routine kicks off.
When I go to setup the Automation and select the outdoor zone for my device, the Action drop down is not selectable so I can’t figure out how to power this off. Any ideas?

Btw: this is my first attempt at an automation so I’m doing something wrong… just not sure what.

I want to try this this setup, I am running an ITACH Flex with the Global Cache rs232 cord for compatibility to run the apps in both ios and android. In the setup, I mistakenly thought that I would just enter the ip address the PORT field but that errors out in the setup. I see that it is calling for some particular syntax. Could I ask for assistance on this as my ability to google this answer is not working forme at this time. Thanks

Mine is formatted like this:

That is easily found by going to: Supervisor\UnderHost select the 3 dots and choose hardware
Under hardware if it is a USB look for it under like ttyUSB0

Hi can this integration be modified to support other amplifiers that also communicate through a serial RS-232 port? I have an Elan S12 that I’d like to integrate into HA and have all of the serial commands:

Rs-232 Control - Elan System12 Installation Manual And User’s Manual [Page 65] | ManualsLib

I’m not a SW Dev but willing to put in the work to modify an existing solution. I’ve searched Google for hours but yet to find an easy solution for my system. Any help is greatly appreciated.