Mosquito broker 6.1.2 - All Clients <unknown> disconnected, not authorised

Same issue here, no solution to now.
It worked very good and after update it is broken now

Hello! I am with Mosquitto 6.1.3
And there is a device, which I can’t get into MQTT.
The message is like others:
“New connection from on port 1883.
error: received null username or password for unpwd check”
I already edited Mosquitto’s YAML configuration, but still the same…

hi all,

I’m also on 6.1.3 …
is there any update on this topic? I’m facing the same ‘issue’ as described above but modifying the yaml file was not a solution.

Editing the YAML did nothing for me. I don’t have time to constantly be fixing all the stuff that breaks with these updates, and it is unfortunate that parts of home assistant will stop working with these updates.

Here is what worked for me: create a mosquito broker username and password, do not use one of your HA user/pwd, even thought the documentation still says you can do that. Restart mosquito broker, and update whatever MQTT clients you have to use the new user/pwd combo. As I updated each client, including Node Red, they connected no problem.

I hope this helps someone. Or even better, a lot of people.

This helped me, thank you!

I did had the same issue after update to HA 2023.10, mosquito broker 6.1.3. Tried all above and it did not help (updating YAML or creating a new non HA user). But what really was an issue is the MQTT integration itself. GO to Settings → Devices and Services → MQTT and click Configure on the integration entry (core-mosquito by default), then click ‘Reconfigure MQTT’ in settings. Use you new created user and password (the one that you use in Mosquito broker Add-on Configuration).

Save and voilà. Headache is gone!

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You made my day

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Thank you!!! Stressing out trying to get the house back online before I go away and my partner is stuck in the dark (and fuming).

Thank god, I have no idea why this happened, trying to restore backups and nothing, then this appeared. Thanks a lot :cupid: