Motion Detection with Android IP Camera [solved]

Hey everyone,
I have successfully set up my old samsung s3 to work with the Android IP Camera component.
All the switches work, unfortunatelly i get zero feedback from the sensors that are supposed to be supported on the documentation.

      - audio_connections
      - battery_level
      - battery_temp
      - battery_voltage
      - light
      - motion
      - pressure 

I was wondering how to enable a binary switch to go on and off when motion is detected on the camera.
I have already enabled the sensor in the phone settings and the desired areas on the ip camera’s web interface but i cant get any feedback on HA.

Here is my exact configuration:

android_ip_webcam: !include android_ip_webcams.yaml


  - host: camera.ip
    port: 8080
    name: Samsung S3
    username: username
    password: password
    scan_interval: 5
    motion_sensor: true
    #   - audio_connections
    #   - battery_level
    #   - battery_temp
    #   - battery_voltage
    #   - light
      - motion
      - exposure_lock
      - ffc
      - focus
      - gps_active
      - night_vision
      - overlay
      - torch
      - whitebalance_lock
      - video_recording

Any ideas?

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can you post an extract of your config.yaml?

Updated the OP with the exact configuration.

If I understand you want to display the motion status, e.g. (motion detected) on or off?
If so this is what you need to add in one of your views:
- binary_sensor.[name_of_the_motion_sensor]
Click on Templates (<>) in Developer Tools to get a list of detected components, you’ll surely find the motion sensor in there.
If the motion sensor isn’t displayed on its own but shows up as an attribute of the main entity, you can create a template binary sensor:

I find two relevant sensor entries on the templates section:


I am guessing one is from

motion_sensor: true

and the other one from

     - motion

Added them in a group but it seems they are inactive


Here are the details on the templates section:


The motion sensor in the web interface of the camera seems to be working well though:

Any ideas?

Seems like binary_sensor.samsung_s3_motion_active is the one you need.
If you were to move in front of the camera, the status should change from clear to detected

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Found the issue solution here.

I had to enable logging through the app on the phone for everything to work.

       - battery_level
       - battery_temp
       - battery_voltage
       - light

Those work too now.

Now the app crashes whenever i try to access the ui’s sensors graph but, that’s another issue

Thanks for sticking with me @lokouk44

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Thanks! I’ll try add this to the documentation page… :slight_smile: