Motion Sensor Stuck On after running out of battery


I have a Z-Wave motion sensor that is stuck on after running out of battery. Is there anyway to catch this situation and either disable the sensor, or just manually set it to off if it hasnt been heard from in a while…



Is this sensor normal ON or normal OFF.

Alarm sensor should be ON when fail and when tripped.
This would prevent alarm arm (without ignore sensor) when sensor fails or if someone activates when armed.

Ignoring may not be needed. Maybe create automation for checking battery and reporting before reach below 25%. Then change battery before dead.

Else, you may just have change your alarm triggering automation to allow ignore the sensor

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Its normal off. Ive thought about adding something to my automation to ignore it… problem is my automation looks at a bayesian sensor for presence, not the sensor itself. Ill do the battery thing though thanks.

I was hoping there was just a way to manually set the sensor to off in situations like this but it looks like there isnt.

One way to deal with this is to use an intermediary, such as an input_boolean. Have an automation that turns the input_boolean on whenever the sensor goes on, and off whenever the sensor goes off. Then instead of using the sensor directly, you use the input_boolean instead. Then one more automation that triggers if the input_boolean has been on for some period you specify, which turns the input_boolean off. (And you’d probably want to specify the initial_state of the input_boolean as off.)