Mount remote smb share on hassio

@Ryan_Grandy you will have to give us a bit more to go on here buddy.

How is your HA running? as you’ve seen with @denveronly it makes a bit of difference based on your individual setup.

Also you;ll have to show us what steps and commands/config you are putting in where so we hav a starting point to help you.

I am running HA Supervised on Ubuntu


I am running on hassos which is running in a VM on unraid. I have my media in an unraid share.

I used the following command in the CLI to mount the unraid shared drive:

mkdir -p /config/media/shared;mount -t cifs -o sec=none // /config/media/shared

I also placed a test image in the folder /config/media to see if the media browser works.

This seems to have worked well. In the CLI, when I navigate to the folder I see all of the files and folders on the unraid shared drive, as well as the image I physically put in the folder


In my configuration.yaml I added the following items:

    media: /config/media


After restarting HA, the media browser appears, however it only displays the image i physically placed in the file, the unraid shared folders and files do not appear. If I go into the CLI, both are available


By the way, anyone have an answer about HA media player not playing .avi movies, only mp3 and mp4 video.
mkv files are not visible at all!

I tried to install VLC as an addon, it appeared as an entity and i have nothing to do about it.

@Ryan_Grandy did you manage to solve your issue? Only just got round to catching up on the posts today.

It looks like your actual mount directory with the files is called config/mdia/shared. However in HA you are telling it its in /config/media

Have you tried changing you HA config to this?

    media: /config/media/shared

I dont believe HA has a file explorer function which lets you browse sub-directories? (any one able to confirm that?)

Something odd is happening, any one else experienceing the below?

Just updated my HA to latest version ( 0.117.1) from 0.116, and it booted into safe mode because of the not a directory for dictionary value @ data[‘media_dirs’][‘recordings’] error message in the log.

After I deleted the config line from my yaml and rebooted, everything worked fine (minus the media obviously). However I have then added the media config backin, in exaclty the same location (top of the yaml sheet) and it all worked fine?

Any one else had these issues? Cant replicate it now… so I wonder if I have the same issue on next update.

I had no such issue, but I don’t specify media_dirs in config. AFAIK media_dirs is default included in default_config: , and it also looks into subdirectories of /media
My config is following, I have /mnt/public_m3 mounted, and I have symbolic link from /media/public_m3 to /mnt/public_m3.

mkdir -p /mnt/public_m3;mount -t nfs4 /mnt/public_m3;ln -s /mnt/public_m3 /media/public_m3

I can use media browser in HA, and don’t have issues on upgrades.

Did you ever figure this one out? Exactly same configuration as yours. Can mount the network folder fine and can browse it over cli, no problems. but only local files copied into the media folder show up in homeassistant media browser. the mounted folders and files do not show up…

What are the permissions on files inside the shared folder in comparison to folder itself and local files? (ls -la).

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I have not figured this out yet. Very odd, the guys in this thread are working on the same thing: Point media_dirs: at NAS share?
I couldn’t get it to work with their syntax either, same results.

Let me know if you make any break throughs

Oh I understand now. I was running the mount command in the CLI which mounts the files to HASSIO however HOMEASSISTANT is a separate docker container, so you need to run the command in this container. This is why portainer is used (easy to get a command line to the container).
This is also why the shell command works since it is homeassistant executing it inside its container.

I think this is correct, please anyone correct me if I am wrong. It works for me if I do it this way.

That was it! Damn it, I was mounting it from cli as well but this seems to work well by mounting it from the docker container.

i tried anything.

mkdir create a folder in /media/ like /media/music

but trying to mount on it:
mount: mounting //192.168.0.XX/MUSICA on /media/music failed: Permission denied

i’m using HassOS on Proxmox VM. tried the command on generic linux (ubuntu) and works.

EDIT: after some tests, i see error during send manual shell command and folders are empty in SSH browser, but media borwser works.

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Managed to create/mount nas media folder and add manually, but i cannot make script trigger automatically at homeassistant startup. Where i go wrong ?
trigger: homeassistant
event :start
action: call service
service: shell _command.mount_smbmedia_folder

in scripts.yaml i have:

  • service: shell_command.mount_smb_folder
    in config.yaml i have
    mount_smbmedia_folder: sudo docker exec -i homeassistant mount -t cifs -o username=xxx,password=xxx,domain=WORKGROUP // /mnt/media

I ran into this particular issue (“Connection refused”) message when trying to mount NFS share from my QNAP. It turns out, you either have to enable “Enable NFS v2/v3 Service” option for “NFS Service” in QNAP Control Panel. Alternatively force to HA to use nfs v4 using

mount -t nfs -o vers=4  QNAP_IP:/qnap_share /mnt/media

Has anyone successfully been able to pass credentials to mount? I can mount when passing the username/password manually but when I pass credentials it fails to mount.
The command I’m trying to run is

mount -t cifs -o credentials=/config/.ssh/.cifs // /mnt/media

and I’m receiving an error message

mount: mounting // on /mnt/media failed: Invalid argument

Looking under the logs in supervisor → logs → host show:
CIFS VFS: No username specified

I think the credentials command is not being recognized. any idea what I’m doing wrong?


I’m facing the same issue, cannot connect to my Synology via SMB. I tried the following command in my ubuntu (with sudo), and it worked:

 sudo mount -t cifs -o username=Bálint,password=XXXX,iocharset=utf8,rw,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777 // /mnt/smb/ -v

Based on previous comments, I tried to execute the command as a shell command with a script (without sudo):

>   mount_smb: mkdir -p /mnt/smb; mount -t cifs -o username=Bálint,password=XXXX,iocharset=utf8,rw,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777 // /mnt/smb/ -v

Result is an error code 255, and not even my directory (/mnt/smb) was created.

Do you have any ideas, what should I do? :slight_smile:

Thank’s for any help, this issue is just killing me for several hours :(.

@nickcj The same just happened to me today. After updating to 2020.12.2. it restarted into safe mode with the following: not a directory for dictionary value @ data[‘media_dirs’][‘music’]

My previously-working config looks like this:

    music: /mnt/music
  mount_nas_music_folder: mkdir -p /mnt/music;mount -t nfs <ip>:/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/Music /mnt/music

Commenting out the 1st 3 lines allowed me to restart normally. Then I uncommented the lines, restarted again, and waited 2 minutes for the Mount Music automation to trigger. I’m back in business, but I’m curious how the upgrade causes this particular configuration to break.

FWIW, before commenting out the lines, I manually created the /mnt/media directory in the homeassistant container using Portainer’s terminal. That still wouldn’t pass validation even though the directory existed. The only way I was able to recover my media is to first comment it out, restart, then put it back in and restart again. Thanks @nickcj for giving me the answer.


@tanderson1992 I wonder if its worth while tagging this as a bug?
Out of interest what are you running your HA on? mine is an intel NUC running with HASS OS hypervysor.

Does anyone else have this issue?

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I submitted it as a bug here, noting that it was previously reported but not addressed because the reporter didn’t properly fill out the bug template. My bug was closed within 2 hours with a developer saying it’s not a bug because mounts must be handled outside HA. He didn’t seem to fully grasp that mounts only need to be handled outside HA for one reboot cycle, and then they can go back to working just fine. I commented on the bug, but I don’t have the ability to re-open it.

Also, mine’s HA Supervised on an RPi4, mounting a share from a QNAP NAS.