Move from one Z-Wave stick to another

I think that I am correct, but would love confirmation.

If I used one Z-Wave stick for all my devices, if I want to move to another one, I have to exclude all from the first, then start the whole process again on the new one? Is that a correct assumption?

Depends on what stick you have, what destination, etc.

For instance if you have a stick based on at least a 500 series chip or better and use something like ZWaveJS2MQTT to back up the stick NVRam and keys and restore them to another supported stick. And that’s just one way

Devil is in the details…

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I have the Nortek Combo stick, which I thought was a good purchase at the time…

Whewn I try and run the NVM backup on it, in the zwave-js-to-mqtt module, I get an error generated at the bottom that pops up for a second. I assume - I cannot make a nvlm backup from this device. My new device, is a 700 series…

Pretty late reply for this post, but I just went though the process of upgrading to a new 700 series stick (Aeotec Z-stick 7, 700 series) from the same 500 series Nortek combo stick.

I too was receiving this same error with my Nortek combo stick when trying to do a NVM backup in Home Assistant. To get it to work, I had to upgrade the firmware on the Nortek first (definitely a bit involved and the most difficult of this entire process, but very well outlined in this Hubitat post: [Guide] Nortek HUSBZB-1 NVM Backup/Restore and Updating Z-Wave Firmware - 🚧 Developers - Hubitat)

Once I upgraded to the latest available z-wave firmware on the Nortek, the NVM backup built into Zwavejs2mqtt worked without error. Following that, I updated the firmware on my new Z-stick 7.

Once everything was on the latest firmware versions for each stick, I disabled the WS server in zwavejs2mqtt so Home Assistant wouldn’t try to remove any temporarily unavailable nodes during the upgrade. Then it was as simple as switching the device in the zwavejs2mqtt settings to the new 700 series stick and restoring the NVM backup taken from the 500, and it auto converted it for the 700 series and all devices were available.

Once everything was confirmed good, I removed the old stick, and re-enabled WS Server.


Looking at doing the same migration myself (need to select a z-wave stick), so I can use the new SkyConnect adapter to manage ZigBee for me. Never had any problems with the Nortek though, I’ll probably throw it on eBay.

I’ll come update on how it goes

You know you can use SkyConnect for Zigbee and just use the Z-Wave part of the Nortek and not setup the Zigbee part, that way you can use your existing stick for Z-Wave and use the SkyConnect for Zigbee.
That said, there is no reason to change to SkyConnect if your existing stick is working properly. If you just want to add Thread, just set up the SkyConnect in MultiPAN mode, and use it only for Thread and leave your Zigbee where it is. Alternatively you can wait for a dedicated Thread firmware for the SkyConnect.
If something is working 100% with no issues, there is no need to update it just for the sake of updating.

I use the Zooz 800 which works fine. As a precaution, in case the stick fails, I am getting a second stick.
I have asked related questions before and I also know that Zooz is coming with a firmware update later this week. But I am still not sure of how to (backup and) restore my existing Zwave network to a new stick. I activated the Zwave JS UI backup and in the Store I have the NVM and Store backups. Do I use these or do I use the HA backups ?


maybe it is an option to include the 2nd stick as secondary controller and transfer the primary role later after it learns all devices from the primary.



How would I do that ?

I just got a Zooz 800 and am thinking of swapping out my Z-Stickj Gen 5 (which needs the nasty USB hub fix to be detected on RPi 4).

Did you have any luck with the migration with NVM backup?

I did not really do that and largely started from zero, when migrating from the UD Eisy hub to HA, by excluding devices from the old hub and including each device on HA with 800 dongle.
My understanding is that a NVM backup should work, maybe by using the Simplicity Studio App.

Thanks.I’ll probably end up doing the same.
Other reading suggests that NVM backup does not work between Zwave chip generations, so 500 series to 800 series in this case.

I’d try the NVM backup / restore approach and see if you can make it work. It’ll be pretty easy to tell. The advantage is if the 800 stick ends up not working as well as your 500, you can just unplug the 800, plug the 500 back in (and obviously update the USB path). You also won’t lose any entity renaming, etc, that you have done in HASS.

I don’t believe NVM translation from 500 >> 800 works yet.

Did you end up doing this migration? 500 → 800 I also want to get Zooz 800 stick and curious if it’s possible

Sorry, I have not tried it.
I did migrate to the full Z-Wave JS UI Add On and that was very easy. But I just kept using it with my older stick and have not tried the backup and restore yet.