Moving Home Assistant to AWS

I am not able to access the EC2 instance via SSH and the frontend of home assistant is not reachable. I have run home assistant on a pi without issue before as well. After doing some research I have found some similar issues. I had installed rather than docker ce which I believe is causing issues. I will follow this guide and see if that fixes things.

@rafaborges the only ‘free’ solution I am aware of is google BigQuery, which gives 10GB per month on free tier. I think you are charged for queries however.

RE micro instance, 15 USD/month probably is not justified for a residential user. I also am running a local db on a Synology.

RE timestream, my experience of the HA community is that there are people interesed in almost every niche imaginable, so I am sure there would be some level of interest. Probably this would be most of interest for commercial users, perhaps who want to combine data feeds from multiple instances. Like you say this could be implemented via Recorder, and I imagine it would be very similar to influxdb

Novice here but had an idea - In order to creat an economic approach could you run HA in a container with OpennVPN and with OpenVPN running on a pi in your local home network. Use the local pi with a reverse VPN (VPN gateway). Therefore you won’t have to open any ports on your home network. And AWS I don’t think will charge you for VPN connection. Most of HA network traffic will travel through AWS, and only local traffic will travel through the VPN gateway.

Thoughts? Clarification? Should be pretty cheap I think

Who need raise? Obviously this guy.