Moving horizontal panels

Does anyone know if it is possible to move the right panel up to the left profile picture panel?

Mine appear close together without the card_mod:

Is it something to do with width: 70%?

Id like to make the panel on the left wider if possible??

I don’t use card_mod myself. I suspect width: makes the card narrower but the space it occupies in the dashboard remains the same. That would make sense as it’s all about grids.

You could try constructing your own grid and putting in empty cards to fill it out to the size you want.

  - title: Test
    path: test
      - type: horizontal-stack
          - square: false
            type: grid
              - show_name: false
                show_icon: false
                type: button
                  action: toggle
                theme: transparent_button
              - type: picture
            columns: 2
          - type: entities
              - entity: light.study_lights
              - entity: light.all_kitchen_lights
    badges: []
    type: masonry

I would suggest you to post a mockup picture of what you wish to achieve (MS Paint or whatever).

Also, if you 100% sure that it should be done by card-mod - this is a proper place to ask.