I am a newbie in home assistant so apologize for my maybe silly questions.
I am trying to add my wyze pan camera in HA through MQTT and auto discovery.
I successfully installed the dafang hack on my camera in order to enable RTSP and mqtt.
I followed this guide to configure it all.
In my configuration.yaml :
mqtt: broker: localhost discovery: true discovery_prefix: homeassistant
in my /system/sdcard/config/mqtt.conf file in my camera :
[root@CamSalon1:config]# cat mqtt.conf
############################################################ # edit this file and move it to /system/sdcard/config/mqtt.conf # ############################################################ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH='/thirdlib:/system/lib:/system/sdcard/lib' # Options for mosquitto_sub & mosquitto_pub USER=mqtt_local PASS=##### HOST=##### PORT=1883 # Define a location LOCATION="Maison" # Define device name DEVICE_NAME="CamSalon1" # Define the base topic used by the camera # send a message to myhome/dafang/set with the payload help for help. # Results will be placed in myhome/dafang/${command} or topic/dafang/error - so please subscribe topic/dafang/# for testing purposes TOPIC="$LOCATION/$DEVICE_NAME" # Define an autodiscovery prefix, if autodiscovery is desired: AUTODISCOVERY_PREFIX="homeassistant" # Define additional options for Mosquitto here. # For example --cafile /system/sdcard/config/DST_Root_CA_X3.pem --tls-version tlsv1 # or use a special id to connect to brokers like azure MOSQUITTOOPTS="-V mqttv311" # Add options for mosquitto_pub like -r for retaining messages MOSQUITTOPUBOPTS="" # Send a mqtt statusupdate every n seconds STATUSINTERVAL=30 # Publish and update the light dependant resistor (LDR) status or not. The # default value if the variable is not set is to send it. This might be useful # for owners of devices that lack the hardware sensor to avoid publishing # rubbish. SENDLDR="true"
The problem is I don’t see any Camera in my HA, no entity, nothing.
Where should I find my “CamSalon1” device in HA ?
If i connect in ssh on my hassio to debug, I can see the topics :
> mosquitto_sub -u mqtt_local -P '######' -h localhost -v -t '#'
homeassistant/binary_sensor/CamSalon1/motion/config {“name”: “CamSalon1 motion sensor”, “unique_id”: “2caa8e0f6831-motion-sensor”, “device”: {“identifiers”: “2caa8e0f6831”, “connections”: [[“mac”, “2c:aa:8e:0f:68:31”]], “manufacturer”: “Xiaomi”, “model”: “Dafang”, “name”: “Xiaomi Dafang”, “sw_version”: “Dafang Hacks”}, “state_topic”: “Maison/CamSalon1/motion”, “device_class”: “motion”}
Maison/CamSalon1/night_mode/auto ON
homeassistant/switch/CamSalon1/motion_detection/config {“name”: “CamSalon1 motion detection”, “unique_id”: “2caa8e0f6831-motion-detection”, “device”: {“identifiers”: “2caa8e0f6831”, “connections”: [[“mac”, “2c:aa:8e:0f:68:31”]], “manufacturer”: “Xiaomi”, “model”: “Dafang”, “name”: “Xiaomi Dafang”, “sw_version”: “Dafang Hacks”}, “icon”: “mdi:run”, “state_topic”: “Maison/CamSalon1/motion/detection”, “command_topic”: “Maison/CamSalon1/motion/detection/set”}
Maison/CamSalon1/motion/detection ON
homeassistant/switch/CamSalon1/motion_send_mail/config {“name”: “CamSalon1 motion send mail”, “unique_id”: “2caa8e0f6831-motion-send-mail”, “device”: {“identifiers”: “2caa8e0f6831”, “connections”: [[“mac”, “2c:aa:8e:0f:68:31”]], “manufacturer”: “Xiaomi”, “model”: “Dafang”, “name”: “Xiaomi Dafang”, “sw_version”: “Dafang Hacks”}, “icon”: “mdi:run”, “state_topic”: “Maison/CamSalon1/motion/send_mail”, “command_topic”: “Maison/CamSalon1/motion/send_mail/set”}
Maison/CamSalon1/motion/send_mail OFF
homeassistant/switch/CamSalon1/motion_send_telegram/config {“name”: “CamSalon1 motion send telegram”, “unique_id”: “2caa8e0f6831-motion-send-telegram”, “device”: {“identifiers”: “2caa8e0f6831”, “connections”: [[“mac”, “2c:aa:8e:0f:68:31”]], “manufacturer”: “Xiaomi”, “model”: “Dafang”, “name”: “Xiaomi Dafang”, “sw_version”: “Dafang Hacks”}, “icon”: “mdi:run”, “state_topic”: “Maison/CamSalon1/motion/send_telegram”, “command_topic”: “Maison/CamSalon1/motion/send_telegram/set”}
Maison/CamSalon1/motion/send_telegram OFF
homeassistant/camera/CamSalon1/motion_snapshot/config {“name”: “CamSalon1 motion snapshot”, “unique_id”: “2caa8e0f6831-motion-snapshot”, “topic”: “Maison/CamSalon1/motion/snapshot”}
Maison/CamSalon1/motion/tracking OFF
homeassistant/switch/CamSalon1/motion_tracking/config {“name”: “CamSalon1 motion tracking”, “unique_id”: “2caa8e0f6831-motion-tracking”, “device”: {“identifiers”: “2caa8e0f6831”, “connections”: [[“mac”, “2c:aa:8e:0f:68:31”]], “manufacturer”: “Xiaomi”, “model”: “Dafang”, “name”: “Xiaomi Dafang”, “sw_version”: “Dafang Hacks”}, “icon”: “mdi:run”, “state_topic”: “Maison/CamSalon1/motion/tracking”, “command_topic”: “Maison/CamSalon1/motion/tracking/set”}
Maison/CamSalon1/motors/vertical 0
homeassistant/switch/CamSalon1/blue_led/config {“name”: “CamSalon1 blue led”, “unique_id”: “2caa8e0f6831-blue-led”, “device”: {“identifiers”: “2caa8e0f6831”, “connections”: [[“mac”, “2c:aa:8e:0f:68:31”]], “manufacturer”: “Xiaomi”, “model”: “Dafang”, “name”: “Xiaomi Dafang”, “sw_version”: “Dafang Hacks”}, “icon”: “mdi:led-on”, “state_topic”: “Maison/CamSalon1/leds/blue”, “command_topic”: “Maison/CamSalon1/leds/blue/set”}
Maison/CamSalon1/motors/horizontal 0
Could you help me please ?