MQTT breaking changes RC 2022.6

Why do i get this error:
Integration error: sensors - Integration ‘sensors’ not found.

Is sensors a file or directory? This syntax assume the path is a directory with yaml files defining the sensors inside

I changed it in:

        !include_dir_merge_named mqtt

This seems to work but i get unknown for my sensor.
This is my configuration in the directory mqtt:


- name: "Adafruit Aht20 Humidity"
  unique_id: "adafruit_aht20_hum"
  state_topic: "Adafruit_Aht20/Aht_20_sensor/Humidity"
  unit_of_measurement: '°%'
  icon: mdi:water-percent
- unique_id: adafruit_aht20_temp
  name: Adafruit Aht20 Temperature
  state_topic: "Adafruit_Aht20/Aht_20_sensor/Temperature"
  unit_of_measurement: '°C'

Solved! My sensor had to be rebooted.