Mqtt climate action topic studio code red line

hi red line under the action topic. studio code says “Value is not accepted.” please help

    - name: MQTT Heater
        - "off"
        - "heat"
      unique_id: mqtt_heater
      mode_command_topic: "cmnd/sonoffth/ThermostatModeSet"
      mode_command_template: "{{'1' if value == 'heat' else '0'}}"
      mode_state_topic: "stat/sonoffth/RESULT"
      mode_state_template: "{{'heat' if value_json['ThermostatModeSet1'] |int() == 1 else 'off' }}"
      action_topic: "tele/sonoffth/STATE"
      action_template: "{{'heating' if value_json['POWER1'] == 'ON' else 'off'}}"
      current_temperature_topic: "tele/sonoffth/SENSOR"
      current_temperature_template: "{{ value_json['AM2301'].Temperature}}"
      temperature_state_topic: "tele/sonoffth/SENSOR"
      temperature_state_template: "{{ value_json['Thermostat1'].TempTargetSet }}"
      min_temp: 15
      max_temp: 26
      precision: 0.1
      temp_step: 0.1
      retain: true
      temperature_command_topic: "cmnd/sonoffth/TempTargetSet"
      availability_topic: tele/sonoffth/LWT
      payload_available: Online
      payload_not_available: Offline

sorry im edited my entry

Hello oğuz,

Thanks for coming here and asking a question.
Would you be so kind as to adjusting the format of your code so that we can read it properly & check the YAML spacing, etc. It is very hard for us to tell what is what when the text formatter jumbles everything like that.
Use the </> button or this:

Here is an example of how to fix it from the site FAQ Page.

How to help us help you - or How to ask a good question.

In addition to SG’s comments, in this case a screenshot of where the red error text is may help.

I’m sorry. I’m new. I edited my message.