MQTT Climate with TASMOTA - Where is ON and OFF

I’m trying to understand how the MQTT configuration works. I have added an IR transmitter with TASMOTA and can send a command like this via MQTT:


I can see that the climate system has the ability to send each of the relevant bits (temp, mode, fan, power) via different topics, but I can’t see any way to template them so I could send the required data to the topic. I guess I could modify TASMOA easily enough to accept different topics which would solve that issue.

But I have another issue. I have done some simple testing with the following config to see what it can do

  - platform: mqtt
    name: Conservatory AC
      - Cool
      - Off
      - Silent
      - Low
      - Medium
      - High
      - Auto
      - On
      - Off
    power_command_topic: tasmota/test/ir/power
    mode_command_topic: tasmota/test/ir/mode
    temperature_command_topic: tasmota/test/ir/temp
    fan_mode_command_topic: tasmota/test/ir/fan
    swing_mode_command_topic: tasmota/test/ir/swing

This presents a reasonable sensible looking interface, but the Swing Modes come out as True & False in the UI not On & Off, which looks odd. Also Mode comes out as Cool and false.

Changing any of the options send an ON to the power topic and then the relevant string to the relevant topic, e.g. Setting Fan to High, sends ON to power and High to fan.

Even if I forgive the true false thing, and write my own mods to TASMOTA, I can’t see a way to turn off the unit. If I pick false in mode, it send false to the mode topic, but never off to the power topic, and the UI has no way to change the power to ON and OFF

Have I missed something, or does this module just not support ON & OFF?

This Enhanced version of MQTT HVAC (Climate platform) with proper History Chart may explain the issue. current version doesn’t support sending the full JSON payload