I have a few devices communicating with my HA via MQTT. One of these devices are Smart Bulbs that show up on a card with a dimming slider to allow me to adjust their brightness level, another is a dimmer switch that only allows me to turn_on / turn_off the lights.
I searched the forum, but the only other thread I could find that initially sounded similar was: MQTT light brightness min/max range but it’s pretty old, and it also appears to be working for them, they just didn’t realize they had to look at the detail card.
Any thoughts would be appreciated!
This is my non-working switch config, I’ve tried with /set at the end of brightness_command_topic and without it:
switch: !include_dir_merge_list mqtt/switches
- platform: mqtt
name: "Master Bedroom Lights"
state_topic: "smartthings/Master Bedroom Light Dimmer/switch"
command_topic: "smartthings/Master Bedroom Light Dimmer/switch"
brightness_state_topic: "smartthings/Master Bedroom Light Dimmer/level"
brightness_command_topic: "smartthings/Master Bedroom Light Dimmer/level/set"
payload_on: "on"
payload_off: "off"
retain: true
Here’s my working dimming light bulbs config:
light: !include mqtt/lights.yaml
- platform: mqtt
name: TVNE
state_topic: "smartthings/NECorner/switch"
command_topic: "smartthings/NECorner/switch"
brightness_state_topic: "smartthings/NECorner/level"
brightness_command_topic: "smartthings/NECorner/level"
brightness_scale: 101
payload_on: "on"
payload_off: "off"
optimistic: true
retain: true