MQTT Doorbell

Do you get any errors?

no just rings evey now and again its very random

where id you solder the resistor ? and what size ?

Any help on the resistor on the WeMos D1 Mini Board ? Where it need to be soldered as I am getting 10 false rings a day…

@Hefford27 The internal pull-up in these boards is weak. Try using a 3.3kohm resistor (or thereabouts) between the input pin and 3.3v. This will ensure the input stays high until the button is pressed.

I have some 10k ones will they work, or are they too big ?

Sure! Might as well give it a try.

@marthocoo I am still getting false alarms could it be the resistor is to too big ?

I have put it between D3 and 3.3v on the WeMos

Any ideas ?

if you only have 10K resistors on hand you can try a lower value by putting 3 in parallel, that will get you down to 3.3k

Brought some 3.3k Today for a wooping 10p each, so will replace the 10k tomorrow and see what happens :slight_smile: Thanks

How did you fix this?
I found the same website but i dont get it working at my HA.
Can you help me?

I have configure the sonoff module as shown at the website

I am still getting the phantom doorbell rings :frowning: i have tried the 3.3Kohm resistor … must get about 4 - 5 a day, the doorbell is quite near the tado thermostat and sometimes coincides with that turning off or on, but not all the time .

Any other ideas

I can post my HA config if you like. I have it also sending a photo from my webcam and a link to the live webcam video via Push Notification. Are you using the iOS app?

Also, using a 3.3k resistor seems to have solved my false alarm issue.

what pins did you place the resistor over ?

please show you config also :slight_smile: thanks

If jou could post your config that would be perfect.
I use the Android and ios app.

Thanks a lot!

I have the resistor on GPIO14.

Here is my config automation for the Doorbell.
It sends me a push notification with a picture from my camera, and also will stream the camera when I select the notification.

- action:
  - data:
      message: The DoorBell Rang!
          category: camera
        entity_id: camera.front
      title: Doorbell Status
    service: notify.ios_myphone
  alias: Doorbell Rang
  id: '0000000000002'
  - entity_id: switch.sonoff_doorbell
    from: 'off'
    platform: state
    to: 'on'

Thanks a lot for your config!
How did you make the sonoff to a doorbell function?
Your sonoff plays a sound when they press the doorbell?
What kind of 3.3k resistor did you use? (Which color?)

I used the setup here.
The doorbell rings as normal.
You are basically putting the Sonoff on the high voltage side and when the doorbell is pushed the Sonoff makes the doorbell ring and sends an MQTT message that you can make automations around.
I used a resister like found here.

I fix the sonoff (i have to change one command: buttontopic has to be switchtopic)
How did you get your sonos play a ringtone.
Can post your script?


@quadmasta Would you be able to post a simple circuit diagram (with the Wemos stuff), please?
I’m trying to copy your project, but I’m a bit confused about the wiring.

The version with a sonoff and mqtt is very unstable.
I get a lot of false alarms, so i place a 3.3k resistor at gpio14.
But it doesn’t help, i still get false alarms.
Anyone a solution?