Ver nice will make a new one with new code as old seems working still
If I get this right we will be able to upload bin via web ? Very nice shot
Ver nice will make a new one with new code as old seems working still
If I get this right we will be able to upload bin via web ? Very nice shot
It’s time for a new release with new functions. Please welcome v2.1 Open Weather Map support release
Waths new:
For Open Weather Map you need to issue your own free API token.
okay, I got 2.01 installed and it does everything it should.
My problem is I do not know how to publish my temp probe to mqtt
I am using esphome
name: bbq
board: esp01_1m
# Enable logging
# Enable Home Assistant API
password: "c7e9d7fe5d929c8a6e9b17767e228bbb"
ssid: "xxxx"
password: "xxxx"
fast_connect: true
# Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
ssid: "M2 Fallback Hotspot"
password: "zvswsewOgCwk"
# Example configuration entry
miso_pin: GPIO12
clk_pin: GPIO14
- platform: max6675
name: "Meat Probe #2"
cs_pin: GPIO13
update_interval: 60s
# filters:
# - sliding_window_moving_average:
# window_size: 10
# send_every: 10
- platform: max6675
name: "Meat Probe #1"
cs_pin: GPIO15
update_interval: 60s
figured it out
- alias: 'Publish sensor value'
platform: state
entity_id: sensor.meat_probe_1
service: mqtt.publish
payload: "{{trigger.to_state.state}}"
topic: meat/1
I thought that finding the city ID is difficult and easier to write the name of the city. But I forgot to add on the page that you need to enter the name of the city.
In your case, it should be Landrum, US.
I also want to note that the free OWM API allows you to make requests no more than once every 60 seconds, otherwise you will be banned. I advise you to change your interval from 10 seconds to 60.
worked right away
Very nice project, I’m waiting for components and I’ll build.
I have a question: I assume that the display is powered from an external 5V source. What is the current source load for 8 LED modules? Or what power supply do you use?
I do not use a separated power supply for LED modules. In my setup, I have one 5V 1A USB power supply and connect it to an ESP board (wemos d1 mini) and 8 LED segments are connected through ESP. Everything works well even at maximum brightness.
Thank you for a quick response.
Last question: If I understand correctly, I’ll upload a bin file using esphome-flasher, for example, on win10 PC. Then I connect to his network using, for example, a phone and set up my LAN. And it is done?
Yes, you are right. After you will open the device page in the browser by device IP which will be displayed on the device LEDs and configure your integrations and display parameters.
Thank you. Yes, I understood the next step (regarding configuration)
Thanks for your work, I really appreciate it. I had already used the old version of wLed, now I’m trying the new one but i noticed that the controls and effects no longer work, maybe the keywords have changed? I can only set effects for all texts directly from the web interface, but I need to alternate as I publish via mqtt. Thanks in advance for your reply.
Did you find out where the problem is?
I’m just building this project and I’m wondering what might surprise me.
Thanks for your feedback! MQTT currently only supports displaying text. Management via MQTT is not implemented.
But I’m currently working hard on a new version that will have all the MQTT functionality from the first version.
Also in the new version it will be possible to take the value of the sensors directly from the Home Assistant.
The new version will be released in the coming days as soon as I finish testing.
Great news.I will wait patiently and make myself available for any tests. Good work.
The increased interest in the project accelerated development. Meet the new version with Home Assistant support, a new font with elegant numbers, and support for a large number of new MQTT topics!
v2.2 Home Assistant and MQTT support
Added Home Assistant client work mode
Use a Long-lived access token. Only a display of sensor value is supported.
Added support of next MQTT topics:
where devicePrefix = uniq device prefix (can be found in settings page)
zoneN = zone number (e.g. Zone0)
Added new font: Cyrillic - compact neat font
Added help on the settings page
Added support for OTA updates
Added Character spacing for each zone
Link to release: Release v2.2 Home Assistant and MQTT support · widapro/wledPixel · GitHub
I cannot find this or figure it out
Long-lived access tokens can be created using the “Long-Lived Access Tokens” section at the bottom of a user’s Home Assistant profile page.
nvm found that
Now that I have a token, what do I do wit it?
nvm again
Got it finally. did not scroll down far enough for the mqtt token settings works great
Thanks again,
silly question. what led boards are you using? As in I have 4 digit boards but cannot figure out how you got all 8 segments so close together