MQTT image payload, is it possible?


Is it possible to send an image to an MQTT topic on a following way? If not, is there any solution to send an image to a topic? Thanks in advance!

  - service: mqtt.publish
      topic: 'zanzito/MyPhone/photonotification'
      payload: /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/www/tmp/frontdoor1.png
      qos: 1
      retain: 0

I already answered this in your other thread

Thank you @robmarkcole, I am going to close this thread and if anyone interested can read forward here: How to send camera_image to MQTT Payload?

Thanks again!

I ended up configuring HTML5 Push notifications and using that to send an image notification to my phone. So far it is working great. If anyone needed I am happy to share the code, but you can browse it here as well:

Thanks again for your help @robmarkcole