Mqtt integration entities have duplicate names

For several days now, all device entities added by the MQTT integration have had duplicate names.
There is nothing wrong with the names of the devices itself.

I run the Mosquito MQTT Broker Add-on on the Home Assistant and use the MQTT integration.
In the meantime, I have already removed all devices, both once via Home Assistant itself and via MQTT Explorer.

Within my Home Assistant, MQTT adds 35 devices, with a total of 110 entities, so renaming is not an opions.

Below is an example of 2 lamps. First the devices, then the entities.
How can I get this back in order quickly?

I guess you never saw this:

Hi Fransis,

I have come across this message, and others. Just not the way I can solve this.
The only MQTT components that I have active in Home Assistant are the Mosquitto broker Add-on and the MQTT integration.
I also have a Homey in which the MQTT Hub App.
I have no idea if the problem lies there, but I do see an issue (MQTT Name changes in Home Assistant 2024.2.0 #99). I just don’t see many responses there
In the meantime, unfortunately, I am left with 110 entities that I have to rename manually.

Probably Homey did not update it’s app to the new format.