Please implement the mqtt
The open feature is the most important, as we usually never really “lock” the door if we leave for a short time. As described here in this thread, the door can’t be opened because of the “schlossfalle” or deadbolt.

atm i have to use 4 different switches which is not really convenient

# keyble Smartlock

  - platform: mqtt
    name: switch_Smartlock_status
    state_topic: "keyble/00:1a:22:13:6f:d2/status"
    command_topic: "keyble/00:1a:22:13:6f:d2/command"
    payload_on: "status"

  - platform: mqtt
    name: switch_Smartlock_open
    state_topic: "keyble/00:1a:22:13:6f:d2/status"
    command_topic: "keyble/00:1a:22:13:6f:d2/command"
    payload_on: "open"
    icon: fas:lock-open

  - platform: mqtt
    name: switch_Smartlock_lock
    state_topic: "keyble/00:1a:22:13:6f:d2/status"
    value_template: "{{ value_json['lock_status'] }}"
    command_topic: "keyble/00:1a:22:13:6f:d2/command"
    state_on: "LOCKED"
    state_off: "UNLOCKED"
    payload_on: "lock"    
    payload_off: "unlock"  
    icon: fas:lock

  - platform: mqtt
    name: switch_Smartlock_unlock    
    state_topic: "keyble/00:1a:22:13:6f:d2/status"
    value_template: "{{ value_json['lock_status'] }}"
    command_topic: "keyble/00:1a:22:13:6f:d2/command"
    state_on: "UNLOCKED"
    state_off: "LOCKED"
    payload_on: "unlock"
    payload_off: "lock"      
    icon: fas:unlock-alt

all this stuff could be reduced to 1-2 elements

im using this mqtt solution

for a very good and not overpriced smartlock