MQTT Message Convert to Binary Sensor

Hi MQTT Experts,
I was able to setup my Axis camera to connect to my MQTT broker. And I believe, I was able to create a motion trigger, see attached screenshot from MQTT Explorer. I just don’t know how to create a binary sensor for it. In the attached screenshot, “active” changes from 0 to 1 or 1 to 0, if there is motion or no motion. Can you please help? I just don’t know how to create a binary sensor for it. Thanks!

This (MQTT binary sensor from JSON) is similar to yours.

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Thanks man! That is it!!! You are the best!

How were you able to do this?
Is there new Axis firmware that supports MQTT?

I have the P137, the latest firmware supports MQTT. I believe most of the newer Axis cams support MQTT