MQTT not using home assistant users

Installed home assistant on debian 12 using a supervisord install (containers). i have added the mqtt addon container and this works and can be configured through HA

However mqtt is not using my users from HA like i believe it should.

I created a new user for an mqtt app, gave it admin permissions etc. when i attempt to auth to mqtt with that user i get

2024-12-28 00:53:11: New connection from on port 1883.
2024-12-28 00:53:11: Client ESP32_ecE188 disconnected, not authorised.

have i missed a step on getting the two linked?

Creating users for mosquitto is more difficult than it should be. You must run commands to set user password

in the mosquitto broker configuration options, whats meant by

A list of local users that will be created with username and password. You don’t need to do this because you can use Home Assistant users too, without any configuration. You can also specify password_pre_hashed: true to utilize a pre-hashed password from the output of the pw command (which is present inside the container).

Are you using addon or docker container?

If addon look here. It says turn on “advanced” mode in addon and you get ui for user management I believe. I don’t use supervised or HAOS so this function doesn’t exist for me

If docker, please explain where you get info above? In docker I believe you must connect to mosquitto container command line and create user/passwd. This is what I do but it’s possible there is simple way

I am using the addon (installed via addons in the HA dashboard) in a supervisor install which as i understand it is container based.

I have advanced mode enabled in my profile, but i see no “user” section in the mosquitto broker settings other than this login section, which is where the above message about using HA users is mentioned

this is what i have followed up, its all up and running apart from using the HA user i created specifically for the mtqq application.

If i add a user under the mqtt configuration under logins in the screenshot above, i can auth to mqtt, so it seems like there is an issue between HA and mqtt for user accounts

Lets go back to this
I originally believed you were using docker and provided incorrect info for addon

Just create a User/pass in Home Assistant users.
In that addon >> logins you may also create local users like so:

  - username: myuser
    password: mypassword
  - username: myuser2
    password: mypassword2

I don’t use the addon so I am not clear and would need to test differences between these but I believe HA users should just work with MQTT

May require restart after adding users