log warning "No matching payload found for entity"

Which fails to explain its error message:

Error parsing value: ‘value_json’ is undefined

Yes, and believe me if I say that, even if I know that my knowledge is quite poor, I try to understand before asking.
If there’s something else that I can try or check…

No idea. Here’s the situation:

  • You’ve shown me a valid JSON payload.
  • You’ve shown me a valid binary_sensor configuration.
  • You’ve shown me an error message indicating value_json is undefined.

That’s 1 + 1 = 0. It makes no sense so the only logical conclusion is that either the payload, configuration, or the testing procedure is incorrect.

FWIW, I just finished helping someone else facing the same situation and the solution I offered, which is the same one used here, worked on the first try. I realize that’s cold comfort to you but the point is that, in your situation, there may be something happening that has not been revealed yet; there’s a missing clue somewhere.

Yes, and I think that I just found it.

I came back home, hacs had an update, so I installed it and rebooted.
After that, I checked logs, clean.
I activated some sensors, clean.
I activated the sensor that on close gives 33150E payload. Clean, no errors or warnings in logs.

At 20:13 my girlfriend opened the garage door… each sensor showed error about payload 33150E again.
So I switched on the PC and using notepad++ I did a search in all yaml files and… I found an automation that was publishing that payload on garage door opening, NOT in JSON format (but that was working before applying you fix because of the payload_on value).
Yes, I know, I left trash around after some test… :frowning:

So this should have been the last one, I didn’t try yet, but I’m quite sure that now it will be ok.

Thanks for your patience.

Like I said in my previous post:

… in your situation, there may be something happening that has not been revealed yet; there’s a missing clue somewhere

Now it’s starting to make sense; you found the missing "-2" in the equation. :slight_smile:

1 + 1 - 2 = 0

I can confirm that all the warnings went away. :partying_face: