Mqtt select option command template by index?


i hope i posted this in the right section.

im trying to make the command template for a mqtt select option, but i need it to just return the index of the select option i choose instead of the “value”, is this possible?


i think i figured it out, idk if there is a better/easier way, but if anyone else needs it:
(note that this is also packed as a bytes object)

"cmd_tpl": "{{ this.attributes.options.index(value) | pack('B') }}"
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Hey, i have the same questions regarding a command template for a MQTT select entity .

HA should send only the number and not the option name for the command, so I probably need a command template. I saw this post, which is exactly what I need, but it does not work even not in the ha dev-tool:

{{state_attr(‘select.micron_mode_select_micron’, ‘options.index(value)’) }}

results in “None”

{{states(‘select.micron_mode_select_micron.attributes.options.index(value)’) }}

results in “unknown”

{{state_attr(‘select.micron_mode_select_micron’,‘options’) }}

works and prints me all options.

Hey, I found the problem. the value needs to be the state.

{{state_attr(‘select.micron_mode_select_micron’,‘options’).index(states(‘select.micron_mode_select_micron’)) }}

because I’m using mqtt discovery, it is of course easier to you use “this”:

{{state_attr(‘this’,‘options’).index(states(‘this’)) }}

I think you could set this topic regarding “MQTT Select” to solved :wink:

Here is a similar topic regarding template for mqtt select options

These attr options are really nice and helped me a lot: