MQTT Switch - Unknown State

also, please post the result of the state_topic here after sending the turn on command and after sending the turn off command. You can use MQTT explorer.

I’d expect something like this would really be what your configuration should be:

  - name: JBL Speaker Switch
    state_topic: "tele/ZigBee_Bridge/29C3/SENSOR"
    command_topic: "cmnd/ZigBee_Bridge/ZbSend"
    state_on: 1
    state_off: 0
    payload_on: '{"device": "JBL_Speaker_Switch","send":{"Power":1}}'
    payload_off: '{"device": "JBL_Speaker_Switch","send":{"Power":0}}'
    qos: 2
    retain: false

then you’d make a template switch that uses your bluetooth speaker as a value_template in combination with the jbl speaker switch

Already asked that: MQTT Switch - Unknown State - #6 by PickOne

There is no “power”:0 message.

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if that’s the case then…

  - name: JBL Speaker Switch
    state_topic: "tele/ZigBee_Bridge/29C3/SENSOR"
    command_topic: "cmnd/ZigBee_Bridge/ZbSend"
    state_on: 1
    state_off: 0
    value_template: "{{ value_json.ZbReceived.JBL_Speaker_Switch.Power }}"
    payload_on: '{"device": "JBL_Speaker_Switch","send":{"Power":1}}'
    payload_off: '{"device": "JBL_Speaker_Switch","send":{"Power":0}}'
    qos: 2
    retain: false

There is no {“Power”:0}

then what is going to be sent to the command topic when pressing turn off? Gotta send something.

Otherwise this should be an MQTT command, MQTT binary_sensor combined with a template switch.

The same power 1 message. Hence the need to use a template to observe another attribute to determine the state.

It’s a switchbot. You send the message and it moves its robot finger then resets. The bot mechanism is monostable. It does not have two states.

Think of a garage remote where you press the same button to open and close it.

if it’s momentary, then it should be a mqtt button or mqtt command, he should not be using an MQTT switch as it’s not designed to handle any of this.

I recommend a mqtt button, combined with a template switch that presses the button for the on/off command. The state is pulled from the bluetooth being on/off

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The thing he is controlling with the switchbot does have two states though, so a switch kind of fits.

Yeah that would be better.

Yeah that makes sense. The problem with an MQTT Switch is that it doesn’t have built in things like “delay_off” or things like that with optimistic mode. Which is what he’d need. So the state of the switch will always be… odd.

I had the electricity off till now :))) Sorry.
So, what should I do in this case, in order to make a working switch for this purpose?

    - name: JBL Speaker Momentary Switch
      command_topic: "cmnd/ZigBee_Bridge/ZbSend"
      command_template: >
        {{ {"device": "JBL_Speaker_Switch","send":{"Power":1}} | to_json }}


- platform: template
      name: JBL Speaker Switch
      value_template: >
        {{ is_state_attr('sensor.variable_home_tablet_media_volume', 'bluetooth', 'connected') }}
          entity_id: button.jbl_speaker_momentary_switch
          entity_id: button.jbl_speaker_momentary_switch
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It is working flawless, thank you!

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