MQTT with duckdns?

did you get this working? I cant get my owntracks setup to connect either

Nope… still stuck…:frowning:

i am like you.

I cant get work right.

Those images describes my situation.
Are in Spanish, but the contents of images is the important.

Anyone can help me?

I think my question will fit this topic, but if not I’m sorry.

I’ve just changed from internet provider and it was a bit of a hassle. My tradfri hub re-aranged the names of the light bubls, MQTT devices (sonoff / tasmota / shelly) needed new WiFi passwords, etc,…

My collegues told me to just create a own wifi ID / password, to solve this issue for future internet changes.

On top of this I’m getting my Unifi accespoints today en they will have their own WiFi ID and password, but this is were my questions kick in

  • Rpi is connected via LAN on my modem / router
  • Unifi AP will be connected via LAN and have their own WiFI ID / PW

This means - if I’m right - that my Home Assistant will run on another network then my iPhone, Macbook, etc. Also if I’m inteded to change the MQTT devices (tasmota/shelly) to the new Unifi network, they wont be in the same network as my RPI, right?

I’m reading stuff here like NGIX, but I also saw HiveMQ just a sec. ago.

My question: what is the best way to set this up. There’s no need to acces MQTT from outside the house, but I think I need to do something if I want to add them to one new network once and for all…

** edit
or perhaps something like ?