Multi-room audio with Snapcast, Mopidy, and Home Assistant

But if I don’t forward it doesn’t work via duckdns…

You only need to forward port 443 and that’s it.

Then put the local IP in the Host field for Mopidy instead of your duckdns URL.

Actually now I can’t access ide and tasmota Gui since I removed the port forward… So guess still need forward.

I did, it doesn’t change.

Where do you run Mopidy?

From hassio, same location as the snapcast server.

Try with

Tried it with port 1780 same thing, am I suppose to press restart server after change? Because nothing happens after change…

What port did you use before?
I’m confused, you only need to forward port 443 in your router for external access via DuckDNS. The port in the Mopidy config for the snapserver has nothing to do with this.

1780 in mopidy…

And you also tried the local IP with the same port?

Do you get errors in the Mopidy logs?

In log I see:

HTTP server running at [::ffff:]:4478
INFO 2021-01-17 10:12:02,318 [410:MainThread]
MPD server running at [::ffff:]:6600

If you get it working please post your config. I’ve never been able to get it working with the addons either as you can see if you look back at older posts.

On another topic, I’m also seeing this:

Mopidy-Spotify extension is not running - you will not be able to play any Spotify tracks

So I can’t play any spotify via mopidy, I can see my content (not my liked list though) but I can’t play anything.

Also the only way to connect to snapcast server via my phone using the duckdns domain, I need to forward ports 1704 and 1705 via my router or else it doesn’t work.

EDIT: I can now see all my Spotify and Soundcloud music (added info into the config section of mopidy which fixed that) and play them locally on the PC where my Hassio is located but how do I add other media players?

SnapCast still shows disconnected no matter what I tried.

So the snapcast-server shows the following when I change the Mopidy snapcast port to 1780 and using my duckdns domain in ip:

2021-01-17 13-22-21.963 [Notice] (ControlServer) ControlServer::NewConnection:
2021-01-17 13-22-21.963 [Error] (ControlServer) Removing 1 inactive session(s), active sessions: 1
2021-01-17 13-22-21.963 [Error] (ControlSessionHTTP) ControlSessionHttp::on_read error: bad method

Keeps repeating that until I disable the snapcast in Mopidy

Install a reverse proxy like NGINX in order to be able to access your HA instance locally with http and the local IP, saves you all the dangerous port forwarding (except for 443).

May be an issue SSL and self-signed certs.

NGINX allowed me to locally access stuff, but there some issue with port 1780…that is why mopidy can’t connect to my Snapcast.

I can’t even upgrade mopidy, it says I need to upgrade but nothing happens when I click on it.

This is what I see in the snapcast server log:

2021-01-17 16-51-59.630 [Info] (Server) Stream: {"fragment":"","host":"","path":"/share/snapfifo/librespot","query":{"chunk_ms":"20","codec":"flac","name":"SpotifyConnect","sampleformat":"44100:16:2"},"raw":"pipe:////share/snapfifo/librespot?chunk_ms=20&codec=flac&name=SpotifyConnect&sampleformat=44100:16:2","scheme":"pipe"}
2021-01-17 16-51-59.630 [Info] (PcmStream) PcmStream: Mopidy, sampleFormat: 44100:16:2
2021-01-17 16-51-59.630 [Info] (PcmStream) Stream: Mopidy, metadata={
2021-01-17 16-51-59.630 [Info] (PcmStream)     "STREAM": "Mopidy"
2021-01-17 16-51-59.630 [Info] (PcmStream) }
2021-01-17 16-51-59.630 [Info] (Server) onMetaChanged (Mopidy)
2021-01-17 16-51-59.630 [Info] (PipeStream) PipeStream mode: create
2021-01-17 16-51-59.630 [Info] (Server) Stream: {"fragment":"","host":"","path":"/share/snapfifo/mopidy","query":{"chunk_ms":"20","codec":"flac","name":"Mopidy","sampleformat":"44100:16:2"},"raw":"pipe:////share/snapfifo/mopidy?chunk_ms=20&codec=flac&name=Mopidy&sampleformat=44100:16:2","scheme":"pipe"}
2021-01-17 16-51-59.639 [Error] (PosixStream) Exception: end of file
2021-01-17 16-51-59.639 [Error] (PosixStream) Exception: end of file
2021-01-17 16-51-59.640 [Info] (ControlServer) Creating TCP acceptor for address:, port: 1705
2021-01-17 16-51-59.640 [Info] (ControlServer) Creating HTTP acceptor for address:, port: 1780
2021-01-17 16-51-59.640 [Info] (StreamServer) Creating stream acceptor for address:, port: 1704
2021-01-17 16-51-59.640 [Info] (main) number of threads: 4, hw threads: 4

not sure if that can help debug this…