Multiple nic's as network switch

@exx, cables are tested working. They are straight cable as I crimped them myself and used to work on a simple unmanaged switch.
But most likely the interface is auto mdi/x as it is a modern device and I dit not change anything on that. Replacing cables is indeed not possible as the camera’s are sollid and waterproof mounted on the vehicle. I do know the IP adresses of each camera and the Nic it uses.
Any longshot would be welcome. Like using a kind of ‘linux Dahua config tool’ on HAOS that is capable of accessing the camera using multi-cast. (It seems tha HA allows multicast on bundled NIC’s ). (the tool I mentioned is not available for Linux)


“Configure which network adapters the integrations will use. Currently, this setting only affects multicast traffic. A restart is required to apply these settings.”

In that case, I think the following would work. For this discussion I’m going to assume that all the cameras are currently in the network.

Set the IP of enp1s0 to
Set the IP of enp3s0 to
Set the IP of enp4s0 to
Set the IP of enp4s0 to
Set the IP of enp7s0 to
Set the IP of enp8s0 to

Now, you should be able to communicate with the camera that is plugged into enp1s0. Connect to it, and change it’s IP address to some other unused range. For the purposes of this example, I’m going to use

Then, change the IPs of the NICs as follows:

Set the IP of enp1s0 to
Set the IP of enp3s0 to
Set the IP of enp4s0 to
Set the IP of enp4s0 to
Set the IP of enp7s0 to
Set the IP of enp8s0 to

Now you should be able to communicate with the camera on enp3s0. Connect to it, and change it’s IP to

Change the NICs as follows:

Set the IP of enp1s0 to
Set the IP of enp3s0 to
Set the IP of enp4s0 to
Set the IP of enp4s0 to
Set the IP of enp7s0 to
Set the IP of enp8s0 to

And so on. Just go one by one through the cameras until you have reconfigured them all to be on separate networks, and have configured the corresponding NIC to also be on that same network.

If Layer 1 is good, this should work. In theory.

I think I know what you mean but I’m not sure how to do that. My actural network is not And my camera’s are on too. Allowing for that, my access to HA is at and even if I ssh into HAOS via my first step to the outer world is So I cannot change the address of that NIC (enp10S0) to an other network without loosing my access to HA. :frowning_face:

Ah. Well, in that case, you’re kind of screwed without a switch. That is, unless you are comfortable messing with route tables and default gateways and such remotely - which might end up losing you connectivity to HA. Additionally, there may be upstream routes that would need to be modified as well. I have no idea what network this thing is connected to…

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Every time I have to fiddle with routing of the very same channel that’s giving me remote access I offer a few libations to the God of IT, pray to Cthulhu and make sure that a local IT guy with proper permissions is on standby in case I lock myself out.


OK. A fine thing for Next Year. I survived this year sofar without too many injuries.
See if I can convince the current user to get some cheapy switch and patch/repatch some cables while I do some save reconfiguring. But I like to do this without to much stress of an hangover :wink:
Thank you all and a happy newyear