Multiple RFLink

Hi All.

Is it possible to implement support for two rflink connections ?
A normal one via usb and one via tcp is also fine.
But today there isn’t a method to connecting to more than one RFLink device.

Thank’s for your work !
And happy Easter !


I know. The workaround is to use esprflink. I’m not at my computer at the moment, I’ll
post a link later

I know
I haven’t Wi-Fi near second rflink, i can only use Ethernet
I know the workaround using mttq

But, i think it is interesting to have support for many rflink in ha

You have my vote. Ps : You can vote yourself :slight_smile:

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All of us can vote but from what I understand someone familiar with the topic need to actually write the code, core devs won’t do that as they are core devs.
I.e the ideas response to a FR is someone’s PR :wink:
Unfortunately, I cannot do that :frowning:

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And it seems the original developer for the RFlink integration can’t do it.

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well, if we start with the fact that there are 2 pieces to enable RFLink in HA - a library and an integration…
It might be that the library should be changed first, and I know the person who’s in charge is still there…

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