Multiple temperature sensors at same history_graph

i have several sonoff temperature sensors with espurna, and one directly raspberry sensor by onewire platform, i can see all sensors on home assistant but i cant get that all be shown on same graphic. They are separated sonoff from onewire…

all are configured with the same unit_of_measurement.

there is any solution? i tried with sensor template but my knowledge are very limited


If you had typed the title of this topic in the search box at the top right of your screen you would have found the solution way faster as opening a new topic :wink:

sorry mate, I already search on forum, and i can´t solve my problem… really, I don´t know where is the problem.

At your search, you can see several topics that nothing have to do. one is mine, another the solution is put all sensors the same unit of measurement, i already comment i tried it. and another points out a json syntax mistake. i already tested it too.

i have 3 sensors, 2 of them is sonoff th10, and 1 onewire directly on raspberry. all working fine…
Onewire by default shows “ºC” unit, and the icon is a thermometer, Sonoff sensors doesn’t show unit, i force it with command unit_of_measurement: “ºC”. The other different is that in this case icon is a “eye”…
I tried change mqtt by json, like the other post says, sensor still works but graphics stay separated… no more idea.

If you thing i can use one of that topics, i understand, but i dont know where my problem is.

Bro… :roll_eyes: The topic is “Multiple temperature sensors at same history_graph”. Searching the forum points you towards this;

If this doesn’t work for you, you need to give more info. Share what you’ve done, post your config, the HA log and explain what’s actually not working. There are no magicians on this forum (as far as I know :wink:)

    name: prueba
        - sensor.th10two
        - sensor.th10one
        - sensor.2802159245dfe4_temperature
        - sensor.onewire2

  - platform: onewire
    unit_of_measurement: "ºC"
    value_template: "{{ value_json.temperature }}"

 - platform: template
       friendly_name: "onewire2"
       unit_of_measurement: "ºC"
       value_template: "{{ states('sensor.2802159245dfe4_Temperature') }}"

 sonoff espurna sensor:
  - platform: mqtt
    name: "th10one"
    state_topic: "casa/interior/temperature"
    unit_of_measurement: "ºC"

#tested with JSON payload activated on espurna:
  - platform: mqtt
    name: "th10one"
    state_topic: "casa/interior/data"
    value_template: '{{ value_json.temperature }}'
    unit_of_measurement: "ºC"

sonoff with espurna and JSON payload activated says:

[MQTT] Sending casa/interior/data => {"app":"ESPURNA","version":"1.13.3","board":"ITEAD_SONOFF_TH","host":"ESPURNA-43E306","ip":"","mac":"DC:4F:22:43:E3:06","rssi":-74,"uptime":118817,"datetime":"2019-01-16 20:22:15","freeheap":14680,"relay/0":0,"vcc":3208,"loadavg":2,"time":"2019-01-16 20:22:15","id":1066} (PID 1)
[MQTT] Sending casa/interior/data => {"temperature":13.8,"time":"2019-01-16 20:23:19","mac":"DC:4F:22:43:E3:06","host":"ESPURNA-43E306","ip":"","id":1067} (PID 1)

The template of the onewire doesnt work, in rest of cases, sensor and graphics works fine, but never show both curves on same graphic. I look espurna doesn´t say that temperature is in ºC. Maybe the problem is there, but i don´t know how solve it.

Both sensors are called “th10one”, in the graph selection you have “th10two”. If the onewire template doesn’t work, try to fix that first before adding to the graph.