Multiple triggers at potentially the same time

I’m trying to write an automation that will allow the user to set times for a thermostat to get temperature changes throughout the day, with different times for work and non-work days. I have the workday state sensor configured, which gives me a true/false value for being a workday, but I’m struggling with how to set up the time triggers to distinguish between them.

I can set triggers for the user’s times, but if they use the same time for both work and non-work days the automation fails with a “Stopped because only a single execution is allowed at <date/time>” error. Is there a way to conditionally set triggers based on a state value? Or to set two triggers, with different IDs but the same time, as separate triggers? Since this is user supplied data I need to create the triggers and trigger IDs as separate entities with their own inputs and have no way to know if they happen to use the same time.

Any ideas, suggestions or hints would be welcome.

Have you seen this?

It would considerably simplify what you want to do. Both in automation and user interface.

thanks! I’ll dig into this and see how it works.