Multiple Xiaomi BLE Temperature Sensor with Single NodeMCU

Hi, I would like to add temperature and humidity sensors to multiple rooms and integrate to HA through NodeMCU.

So the question is, can I have single NodeMCU to get the data from multiple BLE sensors?

Yes you can.

I have currently 6 sensors with one BLE tracker hub. Some thermometers are unavailable sometimes since I have more than 4.

Could it help to adjust the scan parameters? Link

I played with the values a bit but had no success.

Try this:

Have you tried putting the thermometers closer to the ESP?
I’ve currently 2 LYWSD03MMC running on a ESP NodeMCU but noticed the range doesn’t cover my entire house (thick walls).

For me, the custom ATC-Mi firmware also worked significantly more reliable than the stock one.
Its worth a try, since the LYWSD03MMC are really easy to flash over the air. There are a couple of very detailed Youtube videos explaining the proces.