Music Assistant 2.0: Your Music, Your Players

MA works well across subnets, even in separate VLANs. Autodiscovery may be affected, but if you know about VLANs and subnetting, you should be able to figure that out (I use an mDNS reflector at home).

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How can i play a specific music on Plex when i also have Spotify setup and there is the same music on it ?

MA by design finds the highest quality from your available providers and uses that

Ok and how can i make a research in my Plex library ? Find a playlist ? I only see Spotify things.

If you have added the Plex provider then you should see your music in the MA library. Note that Plex does not have a dedicated dev at the moment so any bugs take a while to fix.

How do I permanently delete a playlist? I’m sure I’m missing something here, but when I delete a playlist from a “remote share filesystem” (using “remove from library” in drop down menu from the three dots) it reappears shortly after.

Does MA have delete permisions for the remote share?

Are you sure you want to delete this item from the library? Any items depending on this item will also be recursively removed. Note that this will only remove this item from the library. If this is a music file on disk, it may return on the next sync.

You will have to remove the playlist from the remote share probably.

What i do is toggle ‘Only show favorites’ to on and only add to favorites whatever I want.

As @mcarty alluded to Remove From Library does not delete from the share.

Thanks. What perplexes me is that even if I delete Music Assistant and reinstall (including original remote share), it automatically restores obsolete playlists to the library. How can I delete it from the share?

Its your filesystem so go to your files and delete it?

BETA 30 is released with a bunch of exciting things for you to try and provide feedback on!

  • Groups have been completely rewritten and the UI has changed to support those changes. Should be smoother, more consistent and less buggy!
  • “Don’t Stop The Music” feature has been added on a per player basis.
  • Huge number of bugfixes

Sorry to continue to be obtuse. But to reframe the question, I have a playlist which I created but subsequently added no content. Where is this empty list saved so that I can delete it permanently?

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Which provider did you save it to? If you go to the playlist view you should be able to see that under the name of the playlist.

Just wanted to share my experience with Music Assistant: After installing it I tried to add Deezer as a music provider. After successfully authenticating I couldn’t save the settings. Turns out you need to provide an “arl”, with not explanation what it is and a dead link in the info-popup. The Deezer-documentation of Music Assistant doesn’t mention it either.

So I entered a random string and tried to save, which froze the page. After the reloading, Deezer is in the list of music providers but not working.

I then added Spotify which instantly worked, but it won’t start playing on my Sonos, although the title and cover art are shown on the player.

Guess I’ll try again in a few months :wink:

@dantist Sonos is working in the beta.I will look into the Deezer situation as I don’t use it.

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@dantist Here are the Deezer Login Instructions. The docs will be updated soon:

  1. in the MA SETTINGS select ADD MUSIC PROVIDER and then DEEZER.
  2. Launch the authentication process by pressing the Authenticate button
  3. Login to Deezer on the popup window
  4. After logging in the MA settings page will have the ACCESS TOKEN automatically populated but the ARL TOKEN now needs to be manually obtained
  5. Navigate in another browser tab to
  6. Right click on the browser window and select INSPECT. A new window will open
  7. Click the ‘Application’ tab. You might need to expand your window or click the >> button
  8. Under Storage > Cookies, click “” and find the entry labelled “arl” Preview image
  9. Copy the cookie value and use this in Music Assistant as the ‘ARL TOKEN’
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Thanks! I’ll give it a try. Edit: Works fine.

Ah - I get it now. The remote share playlists are in the Music folder on my Mac. Thanks very much for pointing this out - I was being thick after all!

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What players are supported best at the moment/in the future? Currently I’m using a mix of different players, and I am having issues with syncing playback on universal groups.

So if I were to invest into a whole new speaker setup for my home, which brand/protocol should I go with?

This is difficult to say without more information. A summary table is available here Player Support - Music Assistant

More people can comment if you ask in discord in this channel Discord