Music Assistant 2.0: Your Music, Your Players

I missed the word new

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Just had the same issue happen again to me with the same device (a Google Home Mini, the only one I have). Tried doing what I thought worked before with no luck. Then tried a combo and adding/removing it from the cast group (in the Google Home app) and then restarting the Chromecast provider in MA and it finally showed up.

thx, i’ll try my luck when i get home…

TLDR; Is MA supposed to install on HAOS using a 172.30.x.x address instead of my 192.168.1.x LAN ? Is that why it can’t detect my squeezelite device ?

I assume this is me mis-reading the instructions, rather than reporting as a bug.

I have given up on trying to get Voice Assist and a music_player playing nicely together on the same RasPi. It sounds like Nabu Casa’s future VoiceKit may do that, and I am happy to wait for it to be released.

In the meantime I have gone back to the objective of setting up a music player in the kitchen, mainly so my lady can listen to her old Italian 45s while cooking.

Install squeezelite player and Music Assistant … sounds simple but obviously I am doing something wrong.

  1. I have installed squeezelite on the RasPi 4B and tested that it plays music locally.
  2. Next I installed Music Assistant server (2.1.0) add-on to my Home Assistant OS (running in a proxmox VM), and started it.
  3. I added MA’s Home Asssistant Plugin Provider and Home Assistant Media Player Provider, and selected both my existing MPD devices.
    I add Slimproto (Squeezebox players) Player Provider with default settings.
    I add RadioBrowser Music Provider - but not the Filesystem (remote share) because it is large and I need to finish copying all the [artist] ID3 tags into [albumartist] tags first.
  4. Ohhh, there’s a notification of new devices detected by HA. It is Music Assistent, so click [configure] and it asks "Do you want to add the Music Assistant Server to Home Assistant? "

Now, my LAN is is the 192.168.1.x range, so why would I want to add a server at an unreachable address ? But the only option is [submit]. It finds both the existing MPD devices which are configured in HA, I add the Areas for them, and [finish].

MA does not detect the new squeezelite device.

When I click the Integration’s [configure] button again it defaults to this unreachable address.
Screenshot from 2024-07-28 17-20-33

Now, … I have enough IT experience to understand that HAOS internally uses docker containers for its addons, and that 172.30.. addresses is probably used by docker to communicate between different containers. BUT HAOS is supposed to do this all transparently, so the instructions in Installation - Music Assistant which refer to docker are for other HA installation types.

  • Is MA unable to find my squeezelite RasPi because it is looking on the 172.30.. network ?
  • Am I supposed to change the to ?
  • Or would that mean two machines are using the same IP address - in which case I should allocate a different 192.168.1.x address for MA server ?

Everything you said is correct. That IP is the internal docker address.

Go through the troubleshooting page of the docs as the squeezelite player should be detected. If you haven’t tried picoreplayer give that a go as it definitely works.

I am experiencing Music Assistant ARTWORK ANGUISH (for days now)!

I use the exact same smb share for Music Assistant, Volumio, and EMBY. The latter two show artist and album artwork perfectly without any fuss. MASS shows artist artwork for about 10% of the 1757 artists (even though I have included artist.jpg and folder.jpg files within all the artist folders). All tracks contain an albumartist tag.

What arcane requirement have I yet to discover?

Thanks for any suggestions.

Look in the logs for errors. Ask the question in a GitHub discussion for more extensive assistance.

One warning (port 1400 already in use). No errors. No clues.
If two other music managers can find and supply the artwork, why can’t MASS? I have scoured github and this discussion topic to no avail.

As I said ask in GH if you want more help but if you are happy with the other music managers then stick with those

I am having a problem where music assistant sees the juke audio zones but will not play music to them. If I choose a homepod it will play music. But with the juke audio zones it just never changes from > to " when trying to start a track. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

What is Juke?

don’t use it myself but at a guess/search it’s this


Yes. That is it. It is an AirPlay receiver. I can AirPlay to it from an iPhone. But music assistant can see it it but play doesn’t work.

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It appears it may only support Airplay 2 which MA does not (most manufacturers make it backwards compatible but some do not)

That’s such a bummer. Any plans to support AirPlay 2? Or does anyone else use juke audio amps and have a work around?

Probably eventually but it is low priority as manufacturers should be making their devices backwards compatible and there are many other jobs to do.

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Thanks. I learn something every day, even at my age :rofl:


This is looking great! I need help with two things -

  1. I mainly use Google Home mini and Nest mini as my speakers throughout the house. When I start to play a song on any of these speakers (from Jellyfin library that I connected), the audio stops after a minute or so. The MA interface shows that the song is continuing to play. If I manually change the track position, audio starts back up (but goes out again after a minute. Same if I change the track, audio plays for a bit and then stops even though the track is progressing.
  2. I am trying to add my Plex Music library to get all my playlists. However, MA will by default pick my “Audiobooks” library (which is also configured as a Music library in Plex. I tried to change the library from the interface, but no interface opens up to let me select the other library. I also tried adding my Plex server the second time, but it keeps picking the “Audiobooks” library by default and doesn’t let me pick the “Music” library.

For 1 have a look here Google cast : plays a few seconds then stops ¡ Issue #2659 ¡ music-assistant/hass-music-assistant ¡ GitHub

Can’t help with Plex sorry. Try asking in Discord.

Thanks … but not helpful. You couldn’t even say whether MA server is supposed to use the 172.30.32.x address ?

The MA documentation ? The squeezelite documentation ? Is there any real documentation for squeezelite ? I’m currently reading various threads at, but of course it doesn’t hive hints on how to connect to Music Assistant.

I already spent weeks going down dead ends trying to find out whether a music_player can work with wyoming-satellite, reading through all the documentation I could find before starting on this. Obviously I missed something - or more likely I missed an oblique hint that only an experienced developer is supposed to know (like the reference to “run in the same Layer 2 network”).

When you say “definitely works”, does that mean that piCorePlayer can access the MA music database … or only that MA can push music to squeezelite ?

piCorePlayer is not automatically detected. But going into Music Assistant > Settings > Players and doing [Add group player] was able to find it at This allows MA to “push” tracks and radio to the piCorePlayer, but piCoreplayer and/or Jivelite are unable to connect to Music Assistant’s library.