I’m having a hell of a time trying to get Music Assistant Server set up and I have no idea where I could be going wrong.
I have a Pi4 running Home Assistant (2024.12.0) in Docker on my LAN but it can only be controlled through DuckDNS. I can SSH the system for maintenance over the LAN. Aside from HA sometimes locking me out of my own system if I turn off my VPN on my desktop PC, it’s generally running pretty smoothly.
I have a mini PC running Music Assistant Server in Docker on the same LAN (in host network mode, of course). The logs state: “Loaded plugin provider Home Assistant”.
I am able to load both the HA webserver page and the Music Assistant Server webpage from a third PC, however I run into problems trying to link the two during configuration – While trying to set up Home Assistant as a plugin provider using the Music Assistant page, I am brought to a new tab to log into Home Assistant. After entering my credentials, it asks for a confirmation number from my two-factor authentication app. I have tried countless times and every single time I’m either told that my code was no good, or that there was a “timeout while waiting for authentication callback”. The same message is mirrored in the MA Docker log.
“Error handling message: config/providers/get_entries: Timeout while waiting for authentication callback.”
-The Home Assistant Music Assistant integration claims that it is successfully configured after adding it, but then fails setup and continually re-tries to reach MA (probably because of the lack of authentication, I’m guessing).
I’m pretty sure I’ve followed the setup directions to the T so I thought I’d ask here before throwing in the towel.