My Garden Irrigation

I just looked on GitHub and I last uploaded the code in September 2019 which is after the summer here throughout which time I used it constantly with no problems.

I’m not sure I can think of any reason it doesn’t work for you unless ether,

  • you have made some changes which introduced a problem, or conversely,
  • you haven’t made any changes that you needed to make in order to make it fit in with your specific setup.

As I said I am planning a complete re-write in the next few weeks so whilst I am more than happy to help with any specific questions I don’t really want to spend time in detailed debugging of your config.

i think that My Garden Irrigation is that what do you need

Hi klogg
You did not update github version after HA update 0.103.

Thank for answering this, I knew it rang a bell somewhere!

oops. :blush:

thanks :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:

Hi Klogg , i am using HA 0.105.5 and i have some issues
Error executing script script.irrigation_irrigate_a_zone
Error executing script script.irrigation_run_a_cycle.
Error while executing automation automation.irrigation_run_a_cycle_manually
TypeError: can only concatenate str (not “int”) to str

would you be able to update your code please ? thank you in advance


See this post and the answer from @Barmalej


I am currently re-writing my system so I will not be updating the existing code again. As far as I know it works (apart from the above necessary change), at least it did for me through last summer.

Anyone wishing it use it on v0.103 of HA or later (up to at least v0.105, which is at the time of writing this is the latest version of HA), will need to make some small updates as detailed here.

I expect the new version to to be leaner and hopefully easier to maintain and configure for more or less zones, hence simpler for anyone to adapt it to their own use.

I do plan to post the new code when it is finished but I have no indication yet when it will be ready. Hopefully before the summer!

Thank you klogg.

thank you Klogg

Hi klogg, are you only rewrite your code from scratch or also done edit on your hardware? I’m using your first project (with sonoff 4ch) and it is very good! I hope you mantain the hardware :wink:

It is a complete code re-write and I am also planning on moving to an 8 relay board and ESP Home (My wife who is the chief gardener likes it so much that she wants more zones!). But I see no reason why you won’t be able to continue using a 4ch Sonoff.

And I think it will be much simpler than before to define more or fewer zones.

Still Tasmota based? If yes i think it is not difficult to eventually do modification :slight_smile: thanks

I’m thinking of using an ESP32 which as far as I know is not supported by Tasmota so unfortunately not. I’m going to use ESPHome
(Tell me if I am wrong!)

But it shouldn’t matter as all my code will do is turn switches on and off.

hey Klogg ,
the below isnt working in garden_irrigation.yaml ( line 458 -468)

{% if is_state(‘input_boolean.cycle’ + cycle + ‘_use_weather_adjustment’, ‘on’) %}
{% set adj_duration = states('input_number.adjusted_cycle + cycle + ‘_zone’ + zone + ‘_duration’) | float %}
{% set mins = (adj_duration // 1) | round(0, floor) %}
{% set secs = ((adj_duration - mins) * 60) | round %}
00:{{ ‘%02i’ | format(mins) }}:{{ ‘%02i’ | format(secs) }}
{% else %}
{% set duration = states('input_number.adjusted_cycle + cycle + ‘_zone’ + zone + ‘_duration’) | float %}
{% set mins = (duration // 1) | round(0, floor) %}
{% set secs = ((duration - mins) * 60) | round %}
00:{{ ‘%02i’ | format(mins) }}:{{ ‘%02i’ | format(secs) }}
{% endif %}

…but… it’s currently summer here in Australia :wink:

stick with ESPhome :+1:


Don’t you know we’re an island race? We don’t interest ourselves in anything beyond our shores. Not even Europe anymore and that is only 20 miles away. :frowning:

Hi Klogg,
i’ve installed your great packages, thanks!
I’ve this error on guest mode lovelace setup:

Package guest_mode_lovelace setup failed. Component cards Integration 'cards' not found.

Any help is apreciated.
Thank you so much,


Yes, the lovelace file for Guest Mode is not a complete config (as stated in the comment at the top :wink:

#=== I have added this here at the request
#=== af a forum member.
#=== It is just a snippet to enable the 
#=== the rest of the Guest Mode to be used.
#=== Please adapt and incorporate into your
#=== configuration as appropriate.

It is just the cards (hence your error) so you’ll need to include it in a view somehwere.

Hi Klogg,
great work as of now. I can’t wait to see your next package!
Thanks you for all