I have one zone which is seasonal / ad-hoc, but mostly bench testing
Currently I have a nodeMCU with a two channel relay, another with a 4 channel, then a ESP8266 with a 2 channel connected running and a Sonoff 4ch Pro R2 in the mail (hopefully arriving this week).
I’m trying the different configurations to determine stability, ease of deployment and maintenance before putting them in for good. Unfortunately my irrigation does not run from a single manifold and is scattered across the yard. As we speak only the one NodeMCU with a 2ch relay is actually running valves. Hoping that the Sonoff ch can go in this weekend to take over from the Rainbird controller.
I am about to upload changes that I think will allow you to ignore a schedule if it is raining now.
I have only tested this with dummy sensors so I would appreciate some feedback as to whether it works.
The changes are spread across five files (two of them are for Lovelace)
Hi Klogg i have tried to load the new settings and have copied over the new files over to their respective locations, but i get a error after a restart, regarding rainfall graph (see below), have you got this file somewhere as it’s not included in the new files.
Sorted the issue by creating a rainfall graph yaml file and copying the temperature graph yaml file into the rainfall graph yaml file for now, now to configure the sensors in a bit.
Hello, I’ve been reading the last days the guides, installed HACS and all the prerequisites but still I am afraid before making the big step of copying the folders, so I still have some questions:
1.what is the best way to proceed, just copy the folder package in packages and lovelace in config, or should I clone the repository
2.what is the best way to debug things, I found this very important especially at the beginning
3.is there a way to undo adding the package, if I delete the folders would that suffice?
4.I saw there are some forks of the package which are closer to what I will use (EspHome), can I install more packages in parallel and will they work?
Yes there is a missing file that needs to be added (item settings rainfall graph yaml), i just created a temporary one which will let me get into the irrigation program for now, but i’m sure Klogg is aware of this now and fix it in github.
For a temporary fix Just copy the items settings temperature graph yaml and change the name of the file to item_setting_rainfall_graph.yaml and put it in the rainfall folder and you will be good to go for now.
UPDATE2: I figured out, that when changing the run duration, the calculation does not change, but when changing the amount of active zones it updates the “end time”. @klogg
Hello all, finally today I started to integrate the Garden Irrigation Version 2 inside my HA on RPi4, I used the italian guide for the steps, and I made a branch on my configuration repository so I can easily reverse it if it doesn’t work, I find this as a guide good method to do it.
I also wrote a HowTo.md that you can find here:
Unfortunately even if I can see the dashboard, if I click on the Zones nothing happens, first I received an error related to browser_mod service not running so I read about it and added it to configuration.yaml, but even after adding it still doesn’t work.
If anyone can have a look and let me know what is wrong, it would be really helpful as I am totally lost so far.
It seems some people are having issues with setting this package up. Unfortunately I don’t have time to sit down and write a better install guide (and I wouldn’t be able to test it anyway as I only have one HA instance).
If anyone has anything written that they think would be useful for others and they want me to link to it from my repo I will be happy to do so.
Also if anyone who has forked this package and made any changes or improvements would like me to specifically link to it from my readme, I am happy to do that too.
The best way would be to raise an issue on GitHub with the links and any relevant comments you’d like me to include that describe what the link contains.
I tried to write in HowTo.md what I did so far, but as it doesn’t work it is not complete and ok I guess, but if you find it useful then you can use it from my forked repository.
I don’t know if it is possible for you to make the repository so that it can be directly cloned in the homeassistant directory, probably it is better to copy the packages/package and lovelace folders on a branch of a repository for the local configuration, then it is easily manageable and switchable.