My Garden Irrigation

I just re-read the release notes for 2024.6

It looks like a lot of the ‘clever stuff’ that I did with the UI (well more like the clever stuff the custom card/component authors enabled me to do - they deserve the credit) is now possible natively in HA.

This may be the kick I need to revisit the whole package. For those interested, I don’t think it will be until the winter (I’m in the northern hemisphere :wink: ) but I if anyone has any requests for features, that will be useful to many and are not to specific to an individuals use case, then by all means add them to the GitHub but please mark them clearly as a [FEATURE REQUEST] in the title.

I make absolutely NO promises any of this will come to pass but at least I have a stronger intent now than I did!!*


I’ve updated three files on Githib for the changes to the notify service in HA 2024.06


Thank you very much for your feed back !

I don’t have that switch .

Immagine 2024-06-09 080508

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That’s strange…

Do you have this in irrigation_globals_cycle1.yaml at line 381

  #=== Cycle 1 wait for entity
    name: Cycle 1 Wait For Entity
    icon: mdi:timer-lock-open-outline


Do you have this in item_cycle_start_time.yaml at line 183

              #=== Wait for entity
              - entity: input_boolean.irrigation_cycle{{ cycle }}_wait_for_entity
                name: Wait For Entity

(Spooky note: these line numbers are palindromic :ghost: :wink: )

Yes I have those lines. Could be the problem caused by the way I updated the package?
I renamed the older folder and file to .old and then simply copied the new one
packages/Garden Irrigation

Al my settings are still there, where are they saved? Maybe I need to clean up?

Hmmm… even stranger.

Do you have the entity defined?

All the settings are stored in helpers so unless you’ve renamed anything I am not sure why it doesn’t see it.

You could try reverting to your .old package, see if it appears there and if so just update the three files that changed for the notifications


(assuming that is why you took a new copy)

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No the entity isn’t defined and it doesn’t show up in current entities

I really can’t understand where I am wrong. Thank you anyway for trying to help me :slight_smile:

did you rename every file to .old?
or just the files not in the .old folders?

In the file logging_irrigation.yaml i have deleted :

#=== Notify
  - platform: file
    name: log_irrigation
    filename: my_log_irrigation.log

because migrated in the UI.

The file uploaded irrigation_logging.yaml have the same code at the beginning :

#=== Scripts
  #=== Irrigation Write To Log
    alias: Irrigation Write To Log
    mode: queued

      - condition: state
#=== Scripts
  #=== Irrigation Write To Log
    alias: Irrigation Write To Log
    mode: queued

      - condition: state

I removed the repeated lines but i still have this error:


Thank you Klogg for your help!

look in the messages of 4 days ago :wink:

Good spot. I missed that bit (although it only generated a warning in the logs)

I have changed the two logging files to match mine. Everything should work as it does now it is just a lot more flexible.

I log many of my packages and it is all managed ‘centrally’.

Feel free to make use of it if you want to log other parts of your system.

You just need to create a log file with the name: my_log_[PACKAGE_NAME].log and create a File and File Notify integration for each one

Let me know if there are any issues :crossed_fingers:

irrigation_logging.yaml in github has up to line 15 that should be removed :wink:

and i think from line 223 to the end. These are duplicate from above.

also 220 and 221 are leftovers…


I think it’s correct now.

Thank you very much for your great work!

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Hi @klogg, have you considered turning this into a HACS package?

Also would like to know if you’re planning to incorporate a soil moisture sensor? :slight_smile:

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No I’m afraid I haven’t.

The project has been much more popular than I ever expected it to be. I first released version 1 back at the beginning of 2019 simply because someone somewhere asked me about it in another conversation. It was only ever intended to be a copy of my code made available in part as a way to return all the good help I’d had on the forum. At the time there were very few irrigation ‘solutions’ out there.

I do plan a version 3 but I have been saying that for a couple of years now so don’t hold your breath :wink: although I really do want to make some changes that I would like to see and as I said in a previous post I am happy for suggestions to be put on GitHub so they don’t get lost.

(A soil moisture sensor sounds like a good idea)

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Guys…I’m missing a very basic information that I’m sure is somewhere but I can’t find: where do I set the entities that this system needs to enable/disable (the switch for the zones)? I’ve searched in the entities but there are no new ones.
I’ve had a look at the GitHub documentation but I couldn’t find it there (have I missed it?) and here, but I couldn’t find it.