My Lovelace Plugins

Look up css animations and I’m sure you can get it to work. I’m certainly no expert myself…

After update to 0.88.0 having issues with auto-entities card:

CARD-TOOLS IS INSTALLEDDeviceID: 7f415e08-aee3fff1
card-tools.js:15 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot convert undefined or null to object
    at Function.getPrototypeOf (<anonymous>)
    at Function.litElement (card-tools.js:15)
    at customElements.whenDefined.then (auto-entities.js:2)

Any tip how to solve this?

Update card-tools

Thanks. This works. custom_updater do not see last commit of card-tools.

After updating to 0.88 my auto-entities lovelace card is broken.

It says:

Custom element doesn’t exist: auto-enties.
Worked perfectly before updating.

Update card-tools

my card tools version is deb8e3.

it shows as the newest in custom updater

Have you cleared your cache?

In chrome: Push F12 to open dev console. Right click refresh button. Select bottom option to clear cache and do a hard reload.

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I’m on a mac using safari. Deleting the cache did not solve the issue unfortunately.

Had the same issue, custom updater was also showing that I was on deb8e3, but manually updating and then doing a diff between the two it appears I was still on the old version.

diff card-tools.js card-tools.js.bk
<     return Object.getPrototypeOf(customElements.get('home-assistant-main'));
>     return Object.getPrototypeOf(customElements.get('hui-error-entity-row'));

Might be worth checking yours is actually up to date?


same issue here: can’t find card-tools.

Already tried with cleared cache.

Here’s the error in chrome console:

c44e5d5….chunk.js:5945 GET net::ERR_ABORTED 404 (Not Found)
c44e5d5….chunk.js:5945 Uncaught (in promise) /local/card-tools.jsv=0.3
c44e5d5….chunk.js:4807 layout-card Error: Can't find card-tools. See
    at HTMLElement.setConfig (layout-card.js:175)
    at create_card_element_createElement (c44e5d5….chunk.js:4807)
    at createCardElement (c44e5d5….chunk.js:4807)
    at HTMLElement._selectView (c44e5d5….chunk.js:5915)

cart-tool version is deb8e3

The strange thing is that it happens only in some cards.

Check the url you’re using to import card-tools again…

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you are right. Changing




restored it

Sorry but I do not know what the correct config is to get card-tools into the custom updater.

9 posts were split to a new topic: Problems with new custom_updater features - Split off from My Lovelace Plugins

I’ve a concept of how I want my Lovelace to endup looking which has led me to a Question / Feature Request about the layout-card. Any chance you could add configuration options so that we can have custom css on a particular column of the card?

This would let us have particular columns wider than others by altering flex-grow for them, or in my case allow a two column page with breaks and tweaking on the second column’s flex-grow and max-width to look like this:

I’ve seen others mention this too but I’ve never been able to find that button in the dev console panel.

Can you point me to where it is?

The normal refresh button. To the left of the address bar.

Oh, I see now. :flushed: I never knew that was hidden under there.


Me neither. I just learned yesterday.

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