Myfox Alarm


Have you reconfigured the MQTT integration with discovery ?


Yes, i have this

I don’t have any alarm_contrl_panel from mqtt discovery, so i add one in configuration.yaml of HA :


When I click on armed or disarmed, I can see the status evolving in MQTT but nothing in the logs of the container …

It is as if the MQTT customer of the container does not listen to the topic.

PS : I use Myfox2MQTT docker-container


Can you tell me what I can test or bring as an action on my side to make it work?

Thank you so much

Can you install “MQTT explorer” on you PC and check homeassistant/alarm_control_panel config topic.

Thanks for your help.

I installed MQTT Explorer and here is the result:


I could noticed that the armament of the alarm goes through “armed_away” and nothing happens …

On the other hand, if I push the value “armed” and “disarmed” in the topic myfox2mqtt/22865/command, the alarm activates/deactivates well

And for your topic, i don’t get it …

alarm_control_panel doesn’t exists for me… this is the trouble ?


Have you got an Idea ?

Thanks for your help