MYPV integration started

I was about to implement a PID controller within Homeassistant itself to achieve a smooth change of ELWA power.
However, as your previous post states: the ELWA PID controller can only be 1/0. Is there another way to limit the power the device will use?

Maybe you have more insights into how to setup the device (via the web interface) which I lack unfortunately.

Edit: I just found you can access the settings of the ELWA device via /setup.jsn and set values via e.g. ’ /setup.jsn?ww1target=599 ’ (to change the target warm water temperature).

Edit2: further variables are:

  • maxpwr: Maximum power [0 - 100]% (apparently lower limit seems to be 17%)
  • ww1target: hot water target temperature

So now the question arises: is it smart / intended to set maxpwr = excess_power/3500 * 100? [if > 17] ?
I understand the purpose of a PID controller, however changing the maxpwr every other second may defy the purpose except for the on/off issue…

Edit3: new rest_commands:

    url: "{{ temperature }}
    url: "{{ power}}


/setup.jsn?ww1target=600` --> 60,0°C Hot water temperature target
/setup.jsn?maxpwr=70` --> 70% power of Pmax=3500 W

I just change my YAML to

url: “{{ power }}”

And I have made my automation changes… Now is not clicking anymore.
I’m not sure if is the right way but looks like the clicking issue is fixed.

I believe that is wrong.

At soon I send
http://ELWA_IP/control.html?pid_power=1000 the elwa starts with 285
and in changes of the pid_power=XXXX the elwa change.

If I send http://ELWA_IP/control.html?pid_power=0 the elwa start power down .

I have send one question to MYPV to get more info about.

As I wrote with
url: “http://ELWA IP/control.html?pid_power={{ power }}”

and sending the calculated power data…All is working correct.

One small update about the PID

/control.html?pid_power=100 Elwa power 24
/control.html?pid_power=200 Elwa power 60
/control.html?pid_power=300 Elwa power 100
/control.html?pid_power=400 Elwa power 140
/control.html?pid_power=500 Elwa power 180
/control.html?pid_power=600 Elwa power 220
/control.html?pid_power=800 Elwa power 300
/control.html?pid_power=900 Elwa power 340
/control.html?pid_power=1000 Elwa power 380

Is working correct with this calculation/automation we use for the

Here is a screenshot of my system running this morning.

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I found out the same yesterday by trying some settings. However , from the manual it sounds to me like pid_power is on/off only with a set target temperature and maximum power.

Very good you checked the settings! I am still waiting for more sun! Could you post a plot of the ELWA power measurement over time as well as the set_power? That would give more insight I to the elwa pid logic👍


I think your explanation of the pid - Power switch is way more intelligent as my old one … i will test the next days your ideas and will change my script furthermore!
Thanks a lot

Hi Speepymax

Today is the second day I test the system. All is running PERFECT.

Basically if you feed the elwa with 200 less from what is real export all is working perfect.


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Sounds great… unfortunally i´m this days a little small with spare time… Hope there will be other times in work soon …

BTW: i think i also will be very much better for the elwa integrated systems ot be steered by the pid controller than only by the “hard and harsh” power html code…

@ Cloud 2599:
Sorry for not integrating your max Temperature and Max Power Settings in HA - i for myself set this in the WebSurface of MY Elwa (in my opinion it belongs there because of the benefits of the Hysterese (for Temperature setting)
Your Max Power settings will go in to my next Automation - Thanks for sharing!

Good Evening together… @Cloud and @showup you both guys triggered me very well-- so had to take a free day and go over my complete script today…

Found several Things out: I think you both have A ELWA E:
installed! Your System it will be definitly better controlled over the PID Controller… so you havn´t any clicking or anything else and i recommend also to set a max output if you are not using the PID Controller.

In MY system there is a ELWA E 2:
installed… here are a litte different controller used by building this device. In the Elwa 2 there must not be set a max output, and also here is no need for using the pid controller beause of the other relay modules build in. (I still will work on a adaption to use my ELWA E2 also with the PID Controller but today i tested very much settings and oversteerd my device the whole day… ) will report furthermore…

@sleepymaxx I use ELWA E2 for hot water generation via excess solar power.

Hi Sleepymax. Well with the pids is working perfect.

Check the today working flow

Looks Great!

Looks good over here, too :slightly_smiling_face:

would you kindly share here your configuration at all and explain it for us alltogehter? please use this

so it will be coded as yaml
Thanks in advance…

Actually, I notice some unexpected behaviour with ELWA 2 and pid_power:
The power I command vial control.html?pid_power = {{ power }} overshoots the actual $power value like crazy.

The blue line is the actual power of the device, the purple line is the power I set.
If you look at 13:27 and later, the power should be around 500 W but the heater is running at over 1500.

From some trials I get the impression, that what you set in pid_power={{ power }} is actually the power increment in addition to the current power setting.
power ← → elwa actual power increase
100 = +15 W
200 = + 40-50 W
400 = +110
600 = +150
→ factor 0.23
(I see some analogy to what is calculated here: MYPV integation started - #54 by showup but not completely.)

So if I get this right, there is some discrepancy in how this command works compared to the power={{ power }} which sets the actual power to more or less exactly this value.
When I run my automation which sets a new power every 1s or so, this obviously cranks up the power within seconds. I will change this and post the code.

Hi all, how often are you sending the http call towards the AC ELWA 2?
Cause I just tested calling the API and it took the value I provided for appr. 5 seconds and then it jumped back to 0.
I asked the myPV support and they told me, that you have to send the signal all the time to keep the solar power on.

What I now did is creating an automation with repeat, as long as surplus is existing, but this is updating every second and changing the surplus every second as well…

Do you have any idea how to freeze the surplus for let’s say 15 seconds and then update accordingly and use the updated surplus?

Or how did you solve this?

thx & br

I use the MYPV integration very successfully in HA. Now I would like to display a second temperature sensor in HA. The temperature sensor is installed on the MYPV device and displays the temperature. Only in the integration in HA is the sensor not updated and displayed. When I try to add an entry to the integration requests I get the error message “the host is already configured”. Pictures in the attachment. Can anyone help me how to reconfigure/update MYPV?.
Thanks Torsten

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