MyQ 403 Auth Errors after 2023.9

:sob: :roll_eyes: :cry: :disappointed_relieved: :cold_sweat: :fearful: :persevere: :weary: :tired_face: :triumph: :angry:

Yeap, broken again. The useragent workaround no longer works.

Is this still working as of Sep 29? Just did this and still having issues sadly.

It’s working for me again, although I did update to the latest version of the library, which includes a fix for “too many request” errors.

What library did you update and where did you do it from?

The pymyq library. I’m currently testing the feature/timeout branch.

Same for me… broken again today.

Why does this always fail but Homebridge’s integration with myQ is flawless…

The homebridge-myq source is out there to learn from.

The homebridge-myq dev posted in the github threads and was pretty adament he felt the user agent fix was not viable long term. Looks like msybe he was right.

The pymq library was apparently mostly abandoned until @Lash-L picked it up. He deserves a lot of credit for stepping into this mess. Hopefully things can move forward now.

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Mine broke originally, I did the hack, and then it broke again on 9/29 as well.

On 9/30, I used pip to update as described and confirmed it updated by looking at the files in the pymyq folder. No success. I then edited line 34 to suggest the user_agent was ios. No success.

When starting the integration is suggesting what I am guessing is an oauth error:

Error requesting data from
403 Forbidden

It appears Chamberlain recently started limiting API calls to about 60/hour. The integration polls for device status every 5 seconds or so, so it greatly exceeds the limit. When this happens, the API blocks the client for about an hour.

There is some work happening right now to adjust the library and integration to deal with this, by reducing the polling frequency, and by pausing requests when the API says too many have been made. This will take a bit of time to get right, of course. But, even if the integration starts working again, there’s a decent chance that door state changes won’t be noticed for a few minutes due to the reduced polling frequency.

Maybe when/if Chamberlain supports Matter, we can get local control and these problems will go away. Personally, I’m looking at other controllers with support for HA and local control.

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If you find anything suitable please report back - the whole Chamberlain nonsense starting with promises of HomeKit support and back tracking years ago was pretty bad… this cat-and-mouse stuff is enough to ditch their ecosystem altogether.

What is a HA compatible alternative garage opener ?

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I have older Genie openers. I got the MyQ hub because it was about as cheap as buying another remote.

Luckily my older Genie’s will work with a simple dumb button for the wall switch, so as of this morning I have now replaced MyQ with one of these relays and two of these sensors.

Amazon equivalents:

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I’m going to try this route. This is why I hate cloud only services.

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I have an older opener that doesn’t use Security 2+, so I was able to use the konnected garage door opener. I just installed it this morning, and it seems to be working well. One nice thing is it does not require a reed sensor for the door state. The device is mounted on the ceiling above the door, and it uses a laser range finder to detect when the door is open or closed.

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@Goose66 who developed the MyQ Nodeserver (Integration) for PG3 (Universal Devices Eisy) seems to have it working. Maybe the MyQ HA Integration developer can reach out to him ?

This is really poor on their part. After about 2 years their product, chamerline, has gone downhill.

Not really. They have no responsibility to the OSS community and they have every right to change their protocol. Given that HomeBridge works still, looks like the HA integration doesn’t quite follow their spec anyway.

Having said that, still sucks. As long as they aren’t intentionally breaking the community I think it’s fine.

As I mentioned before, it appears that in the IoX-PG3 universe of Universal Devices their MyQ Nodeserver (integration) still works. Someone much smarter than I am should try to understand why.

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