MyQ Integration very slow to start - >48 seconds

The MyQ integration is my slowest integration taking over 48s to startup. I run HA in a VM and assigned the full CPU (i7-8700T) to HA. Is there anything that I can do to speed it up?

You might be able to shave a few microseconds off but the delay is mainly waiting on the response from the LiftMaster servers. I would be ecstatic if my longest one was only 48 secs, try some Leviton switches (which I am slowly replacing) they can take MINUETS to start.

I saw a post about ESPHOME and local control of MyQ which I am considering. you could look at doing that.

This is what I think @calisro is referring to.

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@calisro @GlennHA While tempting, for now I want to keep things simple as the integration works and it works well. If they find a way to force users to pay a fee as they had said a while back (I was on ST then), then I will not only change to a local only solution but also ditch the brand as soon as I can.

I was mostly wondering what was causing the lengthy startup process… networking issues? Poor signal issues? Just slow API?

I have one of the first connected garage door openers that have a little box with an ethernet port on it that connects to the network and relays commands via the same frequency/signal used by remotes. My little box is inside a networking cabinet which likely weakens the signal considerably however it never failed to work correctly…

It could be all of those things plus even the box HA is running on itself… My MyQ, for reference, took 12.56 seconds the last load.

Still more than I expected but much better than mine. My home assistant instance is running on a Lenovo m920q tiny PC that has an i7-8700T which Proxmox shows as having 12 cores. For kicks I assigned all 12 to HA, and 6GB of RAM along with 64GB of the 1TB SSD. I am hoping that the hardware is not an issue for such a simple task… so I am left with connectivity (1Gbps Fiber Connection) and overall networking setup/configuration (Unifi)… or some config issue on my HA system. Or… something to do with the older version of the MyQ hardware? Just spitballing :slight_smile:

I only run a rpi4. I’d put the blame somewhere in MyQ itself…

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