Mystery iBeacon Tracker

The question was mostly a rhetorical one only remarking because everyone has BT enabled and I don’t have a device capable nor ESP32 etc sensors either. I remarked to bookmark for me to come back to but also probe this rather lengthy thread because I didn’t find anyone with such an experience reading above.

I suspect it’s because the underlying OS has bluez installed by default and HA is picking up it should register a Beacon listener though obviously it would be useless. I’ll find time and expand on this comment I’m leaving here further…

I stopped by to say the device it detected turned out to be my Govee Thermometer/Hygrometer. :man_shrugging:

I have the same! I was going through my Samsung Tags to no avail.

Why on earth would IKEA TABLE have a tag like this…

I’ll check tomorrow if it really is the ikea table. Also might be my Tesla, as someone here pointed out…