Nabu Casa account issue

I signed up to Nabu Casa 3 days ago, and after I got the message that my remote connection was ready I used it for integrating Smart Things.
Today, when I look at my HA instance (VM on laptop) in the Nabu Casa account text box, is
Connection closed: closed by server. None (None)
Under my email address is “Fetching Subscription…”
The cloud connection status is connecting.
In the Remote control text box is Remote control is being prepared. We will notify you when it is ready.
The webhooks that I set up 3 days ago are still there.
I have restarted the home assistant.
Can someone point me to solve this, please?
Thank you

Have you looked at this page?

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I haven’t John, as I assumed by a similar post that it was an account issue, but thanks I will be sure to look at it.

It’s the Nabu Casa support page with pointers on problems and a way to raise a ticket if necessary.

…my name is not John, but you’re not the first in this forum to think that. Is there something in my profile that indicates John?


If you squint a bit and don’t really look I can see how jchh may be mis-read as john :rofl:


My apologies

Huh, you’re right!

…I’ll change my username now, as several people have called me John.

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No, please don’t apologise - it’s not at all necessary - but you’re not the first to do it so I was curious* as to the reason.

I think @Tinkerer nailed it though.

Edit: typo*

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@jchh thanks for pointing me to the troubleshooting, etc, regarding my post. I had naively just thought it was an issue with certificates or something. I am very new to HA.
I am now digging into logs, and trying to understand them as you can see below it looks as if I have much to do and a lot to learn, luckily I have some time at the moment :slightly_smiling_face:
@Tinkerer I appreciate the humour :grinning:

Home Assistant Core
Received error: [Errno 101] Network unreachable, transport: <_SelectorDatagramTransport fd=41 read=polling write=<idle, bufsize=0>>, socket: <asyncio.TransportSocket fd=41, family=2, type=2, proto=0, laddr=(‘’, 55506)>
17:01:07 – (ERROR) - message first occurred at 13:32:04 and shows up 430 times
Connection problem to snitun server
17:01:05 – (ERROR) - message first occurred at 11:52:05 and shows up 1403 times
Received error: [Errno 101] Network unreachable, transport: <_SelectorDatagramTransport fd=34 read=polling write=<idle, bufsize=0>>, socket: <asyncio.TransportSocket fd=34, family=2, type=2, proto=0, laddr=(‘’, 57426)>
17:00:44 – (ERROR) components/ssdp/ - message first occurred at 13:32:44 and shows up 105 times
Received error: [Errno 99] Address not available, transport: <_SelectorDatagramTransport fd=32 read=polling write=<idle, bufsize=0>>, socket: <asyncio.TransportSocket fd=32, family=10, type=2, proto=0, laddr=(’::’, 40133, 0, 0)>
17:00:44 – (ERROR) components/ssdp/ - message first occurred at 13:32:44 and shows up 108 times
Config entry ‘00:E0:4C:D3:04:03’ for bluetooth integration not ready yet: Bluetooth adapter None with address 00:E0:4C:D3:04:03 not found; Retrying in background
16:59:40 – (WARNING) - message first occurred at 09:58:23 and shows up 14 times
A timeout of 10 was reached while trying to fetch subscription information
16:59:27 – (ERROR) Home Assistant Cloud
Unable to connect: Cannot connect to host ssl:default [Try again]
16:56:20 – (WARNING) - message first occurred at 12:06:34 and shows up 37 times
Access to returned error ‘ClientConnectorError’
16:33:41 – (ERROR) components/met/ - message first occurred at 12:33:21 and shows up 5 times
Error doing job: Task exception was never retrieved
13:41:11 – (ERROR) /usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/ - message first occurred at 10:25:30 and shows up 9 times
Error with socket 21 ((‘’, 5353))): [Errno 101] Network unreachable
13:37:35 – (WARNING) /usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/zeroconf/
Uncaught thread exception
13:31:23 – (ERROR) /usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/
Error requesting homeassistant_alerts data: Cannot connect to host ssl:default [Try again]
12:34:38 – (ERROR) Home Assistant Alerts
Error fetching met data: Update failed:
12:33:21 – (ERROR) Meteorologisk institutt (
Ping fails, no response from peer
11:51:56 – (ERROR)
Unexpected disconnection.16
11:51:23 – (ERROR) /usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/tuya_iot/ - message first occurred at 11:51:23 and shows up 2 times
Error fetching M5 data: Unable to communicate with IGD at:
11:50:46 – (ERROR) UPnP/IGD
Updating samsungtv media_player took longer than the scheduled update interval 0:00:10
11:13:12 – (WARNING) Media Player - message first occurred at 11:08:32 and shows up 26 times
Update of media_player.conservatory_tv is taking over 10 seconds
11:12:02 – (WARNING) helpers/ - message first occurred at 11:08:32 and shows up 4 times
Unexpected ConnectionFailure trying to get remote for, please report this issue: ConnectionFailure({‘event’: ‘’})
11:11:43 – (WARNING) Samsung Smart TV - message first occurred at 11:08:12 and shows up 4 times
Failed connecting to recently alive device at UpnpConnectionError(“UpnpConnectionTimeoutError(‘TimeoutError()’, None)”, None)
11:08:18 – (WARNING) DLNA Digital Media Renderer
[Living Room TV(] Failed to connect to service ServiceInfo(type=‘host’, data=(‘’, 8009)), retrying in 5.0s
10:48:42 – (ERROR) /usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pychromecast/ - message first occurred at 09:46:05 and shows up 45 times
Disconnected from Living Room TV at
10:48:13 – (WARNING) Android TV Remote - message first occurred at 09:43:51 and shows up 54 times
[Living Room TV(] Heartbeat timeout, resetting connection
10:48:12 – (WARNING) /usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pychromecast/ - message first occurred at 09:43:50 and shows up 52 times
Timeout reading image.
10:26:52 – (WARNING) - message first occurred at 09:43:47 and shows up 24 times
Login attempt or request with invalid authentication from localhost ( Requested URL: ‘/auth/login_flow/6d80ae286d411e34124208ad3b717b75’. (Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36)
10:20:55 – (WARNING) HTTP
Office bulb off with no motion after 30 seconds : Error executing script. Unexpected error for device at pos 1: Failed to deliver message: <EmberStatus.DELIVERY_FAILED: 102>
09:40:23 – (ERROR) Automation - message first occurred at 09:40:23 and shows up 2 times
Config entry ‘00:E0:4C:D3:04:03’ for bluetooth integration not ready yet: Bluetooth adapter None with address 00:E0:4C:D3:04:03 not found; Retrying in background
09:34:32 – (WARNING) - message first occurred at 09:32:45 and shows up 3 times
Waiting on integrations to complete setup: upnp
09:33:48 – (WARNING)
[0xE60C:1:0x0006]: async_initialize: all attempts have failed: [DeliveryError(‘Failed to deliver message: <EmberStatus.DELIVERY_FAILED: 102>’), DeliveryError(‘Failed to deliver message: <EmberStatus.DELIVERY_FAILED: 102>’), DeliveryError(‘Failed to deliver message: <EmberStatus.DELIVERY_FAILED: 102>’), DeliveryError(‘Failed to deliver message: <EmberStatus.DELIVERY_FAILED: 102>’)]
09:33:36 – (WARNING) Zigbee Home Automation - message first occurred at 09:33:35 and shows up 2 times
Zigbee channel 20 utilization is 78.25%!
09:33:24 – (WARNING) components/zha/core/ - message first occurred at 09:33:24 and shows up 2 times
Error processing webhook 1095c818876d28260b049095cbe6dfe9e982d85bd222801b049dee06d07ea27b
09:33:12 – (ERROR) Webhook - message first occurred at 09:33:09 and shows up 2 times
Fetched (400)
09:32:48 – (WARNING) components/cloud/
Ended unfinished session (id=59 from 2023-07-30 15:45:03.512405)
09:32:38 – (WARNING) Recorder
The system could not validate that the sqlite3 database at //config/home-assistant_v2.db was shutdown cleanly
09:32:38 – (WARNING) Recorder

No worries. Did you check that Link I posted?

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Please see the sticky post on how to use code markup - it’ll make those logs a lot easier to read.

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Working through it :grin:

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